I have seen comments about MLC-hereditory-questions before
I do not think it is, precisely, hereditory, BUT I do think it is possible that in the family there are many similar MLC-cases, even in generations, because what is inherited is the
form of attitude towards problems, conflicts... You know that MLC seems to hit the strongest to persons with avoindant characteristics, ie. a person who has developed a habbit of avoiding problems and conflicts in his/her life, is more likely to fall into deeper MLC because this crisis attempts at forcing you to deal with the stuff you have not dealt with so far in your life. So avoidant people have a lot more stuff to deal with than many others... Plus, when the depression hits in, what do they do? Try to avoid as far as possible because that is what they are used to doing! So there it goes worse again...
So I believe it is likely that there might be serious MLC-cases within same families or in generations because one's father or mother already passed the way of avoidance (or something similar) to their kids, so when the kids reach the age, they fall in similar ways to their MLC as their parents. Of course, it is not
always like this: one person might grow up and deal with the stuff more wisely and avoid repeating family-models but that depends on the individual.
After BD, I actually found out my H's mother left her family in similar way when H was small - three times! For OM. Father-in-law says that mother-in-law acted completely indiffent in these situations and did not care about her family's feelings. Now her son is doing us the same... I might add that my mother-in-law has been rather indifferent to us also in this situation: She has made clear she supports H and seems to think it is all my fault and that her perfect son has the right to pursue his happiness. My friends say that probably this attitude has to do with the fact that if she acknowledged our pain of going through H's abandonment, she would also need to deal with the pain SHE caused to her family back then, and while she is not willing to do that, she is unable to deal with this situation, too... Apparently, I think this is one of the issues my H
should be dealing now, a family model and childhood abandonment, and I certainly hope he would, because otherwise there is a risk he passes this model forward to his daughters...