I think lp is right, there are many common traits. A healthy dose of narcissism being important. Also, I now believe that family history of MLC is an important but not perfect predictor. exFIL had one and now exBIL has started his, right at EXACTLY the same age--can that really be coincidence. I would not necessarily call it genetic, but it could very well be a family adaptive strategy.
Having just got engaged to an LBS, and having dated more than my fair share of midlife men and screening out A LOT of MLCers. I think THE MOST IMPORTANT think to look for is a response to adversity. My ex NEVER truly faced any until MLC. When he was finally promoted to a position of "discomfort" and our S9 was diagnosed with cancer, his mask shattered. Add to that a familial tendency to high expectations (read that NARCS), and his automatic response was "My life is not perfect and I must be perfect, I must seek a new life."
My NG, on the other hand struggled, like I did, with a business when the economy tanked, stood by his wife through her "weirdness" and never would have left her, despite her issues. He is a rock. There are no guarantees, but when I look at myself and every LBS I have ever known, and between here and midlife club, we can know a lot of us, we are all, each and every one of us, ROCKS, in our own way. You can know that.
Say no to anyone who says "they just grew apart" in their last R, or we "different things in different stages." Change is fine, but look for the person who says, "I am a good person and I am making a good life out of what I have been given." Look for the one who says, "I have an amazing life, I just need someone to share it with me, and someone who can help me grow and GET BETTER by sharing their life." Look for someone who wants to WORK WITH you, not have you work FOR THEM.
I am not sure about all of you, but my ex was NEVER that guy, and I wish I had known then... But, I am in a good place, and if I had to go through that hell to get here, I guess it was worth it. I got a LOT of gifts along the way, including an AMAZING cadre of friends... Love and light, ll
The best thing about banging your head against the wall for so long is that it feels so good when you finally stop...
BD 1/16/10
D Final 7/21/11
exH married OW the next week and moved across the country to be with her...
LL CHOSE to live happily ever after...