But, what I lose hope about is...He never waiver with the divorce....What hurts the most is his not doubting. I wish I had someone wanting to come back and forth back into the house. I wish he would give me signed of doubt.
I am so sorry you are going through this. You are still very early in this unwanted journey & there is still a lot of turmoil in your situation because of your H's being at home & now possibly leaving & getting a D. Take some deep breaths & take care of yourself. This is a long ride & you need to be strong & healthy.
There are a lot of Clinging Boomerang/Boomerang types on the forum that come & go & talk back & forth about their doubts & "I'll be back someday after I figure myself out...". Mine is not one of those. He is at best an Off & On-er tending toward Vanisher. He had a long time PA without me having a clue, he BD'ed me one morning, & walked out 10 minutes later with his car packed to live with the OW. He has never given any indication to me in e-mail (our primary communication) or in person (rare encounters) that he has any doubt about his course of action. He cycled a bit in the beginning, offering to help with some tasks at our place, responding when I hugged him & told him I missed him, that he missed me too. But 21 months along I have never had any indications in his words that he has any doubts.
None of that is really relevant to our journey, UL. In fact, I think there are some distinct advantages to having the MLCer out of your hair. Life is calmer, quieter; you have time to take care of you, time to think, time to face your own pain & learn to deal with it. Detachment comes faster when you can do all of this. Dealing with an in-home or Boomeranging MLCer takes tremendous energy & focus that can really be better put to use focusing on yourself.
You read opinions here that only Boomerangs return; Vanishers seldom return, etc, etc. NO ONE really has a clue about this. There is really NO accurate statistics about MLC. Some MLCers return home before the LBS gives up on them. Some MLCers want to come home, but have waited too long & the LBS has a new life that can't include the MLCer. Some MLCers stick to their course, stay with the OP, & make some sort of life with them. No one can predict what any individual MLCer will do, especially this early in the situation. A total waste of energy to even contemplate at this point.
But is my H happy?...It's all about him.
My belief is that No, they are not happy. And yes, it IS all about them, every single thing is about THEM. No empathy for you at all. They can wear a mask of functionality, at work for example, & walking around with their heads full & mush & chewing gum at the same time, LOL. But happy, no, they have applied defective external solutions to the problems that lie within them, that are internal. They have become addicted to the "good feelings" that an adoring alienator pour on them. But adoration fades, discord follows, the "good feelings" aren't there anymore & the original issues/problems are still there inside of them. In addition they now have the baggage of guilt & shame & humiliation, that they keep trying to deny or compartmentalize, but keep cropping up.
A sad, defective, empty way to live. Turn away from that, UL, & get on with building a life for now that focuses on you, gets you feeling better, gets you strong. No matter what the future holds, that is what will serve you best.
Detach and Survive: A Book of Self-Care for the Wives of Midlife Crisis Men
The Journey from Abandonment to Healing, Susan Anderson
Healing the Shame that Binds You, John Bradshaw
The Addictive Personality, Craig Nakken
https://www.midlifecrisismarriageadvocate.com/chapter-contents.htmlM'ed 41 years
BD-Jan 2013
Legally separated Feb 2013
D'ed without my consent July 2015
H M'ed OW Sept 2015