This seems to be my H's biggest issue. He is on big mirror. He can't seem to figure out who he is. He mirrors friends, me, family. He's like that movie where Julie Roberts would eat the same eggs style as her boyfriends. She never knew though how she liked her eggs. My H is like that. He just doesn't know who he is. We have talked about that and I have tried over the years to figure out who he is deep down. I really think this is one issue that is bringing on his MLC along with a few other things.
NOW, he has this OW and I know he will mirror her in everything she does, feel, loves, likes and interest. I already see it. I know he left his job because she didn't like the school. He took on her dislike. I see other things where he has done this, music, research, conspiracies, etc. He is so guided by her.