At some point, I think there is a possibility that most MLCers worry about a burned bridge. RCR had referenced Frank Pittman's writing in a recent blog that referred to the abandoned spouse most of the time ultimately having the final choice.
Of course the LBS spouse does.
Me I'm going to pluck some numbers out of the air just as an example. No real figures ok? And ONLY about MLC.
Say we have 100 broken couples
80 of the LBS think they have been well and truly dumped, don't want to wait for whatever reason and move on with their lives. MLCer has NO choice there, LBS has decided to write them off. These LBS move onto new relationships and the MLCer is written off as a pr!ck and many other names as well.
So that leaves 20.
20 decide to stand. And stand. and stand.
and stand
another 10 decide it's too much their MLC spouse is never going to come back, they will never move past their issues, they never went back to others, they have never admitted they were wrong, they never hear from them, they must really love the op. It's taking too long, it's too hard. Whatever. So that 10 disappear as well, once again the MLCer has no choice. The LBS has made a choice.
So we have 10 left.
And they stand.
So we have 7 MLCers that decide to come home. Who has that final choice? Hmmm the MLCer? No. It's the LBS. Now it may not work out but more often than not it's the LBSer who calls it quits. oh he came home but he wasn't really here, he went back to ow but she can have him I've had enough, etc. So although the MLCer may not really be out of MLC the LBSer is finished.
That leaves 3.
1 of whom really is done and doesn't want to go back ever at all. And the other 2 who really are wanting to come home but just can't do it. can't see past the damage can't get past their fear. And they are the only ones that don't give the LBS the choice.
WE have the CHOICE the rest of the time.
And then you hear the stories of MLCers trying to return many years after the fact. And the LBSer can't/won't go there. And that is their choice.
You must do the things you think you cannot do.