Don't know if it's a real return story because my SIL never left home, but anyway a hopeful story.
When i realized W was having a MLC, I crisis about this state and realized then that my SIL may have had one because she was unusually aggressive during a trekking years ago. We are living 4 hour distance and spend holidays together twice a year with all the children. So I called her and asked whether she had "crise de la quarantaine" (forties crisis, another French name for MLC).
She said immediatly "yes I had", "it lasted 4 years, btwn 38 and 42" "I wanted to throw my life away and start again from scratch". I was shocked by last sentence bc SIL had already 5 children and had always been a very practicing Christian, very kind towards others and submitted towards my brother (that last point always made me feel queasy). SIL recognizes she was very aggressive towards everybody during MLC, especially my brother and their children.
How did she go out of MLC ? She recognized almost immediately that she was in "crise de la quarantaine" so she read some books, she said
What did my brother ? Nothing

what would she like her H had done during her MLC ? To help more at home because this crisis is VERY tiring and fullfill her tanks of love using the 5 love languages -> Roger !
I did not ask whether there was an Alienator, and I do not want to investigate my brother about his feedback.
another interesting point : their 6th and last kid was born during the MLC, and my SIL is calling her "her MLC chjld" (I find this name horrible). I always found this girl (now 7 years old) is very kind and was surprised that she was considered as wild and aggressive by her parents, with aggressive and sometimes foul language. SIL was pregnant of twins and informed W that she lost one of the twins and W should have been godmother of the not born child. Me and W considered that was an awful thing to reveal. The girl has very dark hair between brothers and sisters who have blond or chestnut hair. But I have not paternity doubt at all : my brother has dark hair also.
I told SIL that from my POV she is now a better person as she is more able to talk when sthg is wrong in relationships.
M 45, W44. Married 17 years, together 20
3 children D18, D15, S7
OM discovered Dec 22, BD Jan 23 (few days after)
W living at home 16 mths post BD, then keeps moving in & out "for work" in foreign country. Divorce ongoing first in amicable way then before the Court.
Aimer, c'est donner sans attendre de retour et tout acte est prière, s'il est don de soi (Antoine de Saint Exupéry)
Love means to give without expecting return, and every act is a prayer if it is a self-gift. (thanks OffRoad !)