Hi all you wonderful LBS:ers,
I'm not standing anymore, and I am divorced and 100% done. My XH has just recently had a baby with OW, and it all felt surreal at first and still does to some extent. I had stepped down from my stand a few months before the news, but the new baby has still changed everything, not least because it has been a priority for me to ensure XH has a frequent and good relationship with our S10. So, basically, now OW is the mother of my son's only sibling, a baby girl. I am working with myself a lot not to let my anger over XH and OW inpact negatively on either of the children. While I would never take XH back (and thereby put myself in the situation of being this little girl's step mum), I am really trying to practice agape love in relation to her. Have not even seen her yet, only pictures, but keep reminding myself that she is my son's sister and that one day they will hopefully love eachother the way siblings can. I also think that I could not put that little girl through what my son has gone through, and I am not sure it would be good for my son to live through another separation again. I will NOT pretend it's easy though!!!! I have felt anger and grief that I thought was gone coming back, so I am now seeing an IC again since a couple of weeks back, and that helps a lot. That's possibly no advice at all, but just wanted to share. I'm glad this thread exists.
Hugs & strength,