Keep repeating, this is NOT about you, and that's the problem. IF something you do causes them to believe the M is truly over and you are no longer a backup, and it causes them to want to return to you, what are you getting? A man who only looks at you as a prize? Is that what YOU want? Don't you want a man who loves YOU and would move heaven and earth to be with you? IF finding someone new changes you, into a more vibrant person and he wants you then, you are still getting a man who was not willing to see your potential and grow with you, he only wants what is easy, he wants the prize.
And that is the conundrum, when you turn away, you become the prize. Men are hunters, and when you force him to hunt, he wants you more, but why should you want him? I understand standing, and stand if you must, but don't sell yourself short. Only take him back if he is willing to HUNT for a long time, with tenacity and resolve. If you roll over and die at the first shot, he will be back to hunting again if his need is not met. That is why you have to make this journey about you, about figuring out what YOU want. And I think when you do that, you become a prize to lots of men, and when you find one who sees your amazing light and magnifies it, H looks a lot less appealing as the one who knew that light was there, but rejected it, because it scared him and made his seem smaller...
Merry Xmas, your true gift is yourself. Unwrap it and appreciate it in a way he never did, and then he will know, but so will the world and he will have to stand in line, and you will have to choose... Love and light, ll
The best thing about banging your head against the wall for so long is that it feels so good when you finally stop...
BD 1/16/10
D Final 7/21/11
exH married OW the next week and moved across the country to be with her...
LL CHOSE to live happily ever after...