My H is not a bad man. He is a good man who has let his life go off the rails, had a major meltdown, and it will take him time to find his way back...if he does find his way back. I am very unhappy that this has happened but am confident that he will be back to his old self one day, with or without me.
This is what helps me to keep all of this in perspective. I have to remind myself of this daily. My wife is not a bad person, she has went off the path that we were both walking, onto her own path, for the moment. This is also a clear reminder to me, that we are all on our own separate paths of life, yet we mourn the loss of our travelling companion, our spouse, because they deviated onto a very treacherous path, filled with danger and potential destruction. A path that we look down and find very frightening and would not knowingly traverse, yet they seemed to have went willingly.
Yet, we know something is terribly wrong with our spouses for them to have chosen such a dangerous way. The way they have been altered into a person we don't recognize, someone who has turned against us in everyway. We know this isn't who they truly are, we know the true person and long for that person to reveal themselves to us, alas, they have been taken captive by the person who now controls them, their Shadow. The person they have hidden from us, the person they have repressed all of their lives. This person has escaped the repression to reign down destruction everyway imaginable and cause such unthinkable pain and suffering onto us, that there are days we don't feel like we can go on.
We hold onto hope, which lights our way, that our wayward spouse will return to us. The person that we have always known. The person, we know would never hurt us. The person, who loves us, deeply and passionately. But, we find ourselves having to continue on our journey, alone, yet, holding out hope, that they will return, not only in body, but in mind, heart and soul, renewed and ready to love us in a greater way than we could ever imagine.