D13 is my girl, has been from the word go when we got her home from hospital 3 months after her premature birth. I did all of the night feeds even though I was working full time, xW never once got up in the middle of the night and pretty much left all of the mundane chores of looking after a child to me. I remember that through all of that, I didn’t get a decent night’s sleep until D was about 5 years old.
I too had to go through all of the puberty stuff with D, by that time our divorce was already final, xW had moved out and was with one of her OM’s, she didn’t respond to any of our phone calls to let her know what was happening until much later. Eventually she got round to seeing D.
D is angry with her mother and her OM’s, her response on the possibility of meeting OM’s is “why would I want to meet the man responsible for breaking up our family and robbing me of a happy childhood”. This even applies to xW current boyfriend who she met after the divorce.
D is fully aware of the whole situation, she knows her mother has done wrong, I haven’t hidden anything from her (apart from non age appropriate details). xW on the other had avoids any discussions or starts crying when D asks any questions, yes, that and shouting her down, but never discussing anything.
The only thing that disappoints me is that D will go to live with xW when she eventually buys her house, partly for the bigger bedroom, partly to keep the peace with xW as she know her mother would not be happy if she didn’t move there. Will be interesting to see how that pans out, xW has never lived with D without me being there, I’m sure sparks will fly and I’ll be getting plenty of phone calls.