I think among younger women, especially good looking younger women, there is a tendency to friend zone boys that aren't making the grade of a sexual relationship, and a tendency to use those boys for emotional needs or day to day help. They tend to collect guys like this, and lead them on, just a little bit, while offering very little else in return. I had a lot of study buddies in college that definitely fit into this category.
From that experience alone, I'm not interested in "friends" with women -- female relationships have always been very one-sided in my experience, much like Brave Heart mentioned, and the amount of common interests are also rarely sufficient to drive an intellectual bond, as the mad hatter commented.
OP - your experience is decidedly not my experience -- however, maybe that will change based on the quality of women I meet in the future -- but I have ALWAYS been of the Harry Met Sally school once I got old enough to look back on my own personal experiences with some emotional distance. I will say that although I haven't met any women from HS in person, there are ladies here who are closer to me than any other female relationship outside my wife -- I'm closer with them than I am with my mother or my 3 sisters.