I agree with albatross, everyone has some good and evil in them. Most of the time we deny the evil by excercizing impulse control based on our personal value systems. Then in MLC, their sympathetic nervous system fight/flight response is triggered by fear, so they are in a thoughtless panic. Since our body chemistry can't sustain the fight/flight response longer than, say, it would take to outrun a tiger, they cycle with depression. I think they are basically so confused by their screwed up body chemistry that they can no longer excercise their rational impulse control, but at times become aware that they are out of control and feel guilty, then afraid of the impending consequences of their actions, then cycle back into the sympathetic nervous system fight/flight response.
It's just a theory, though, I've been thinking about this waaaaayyyyy too much lately.
after he’s through this crisis, wait five years, take out a wooden paddle and whack him on the ass for doing this to you!