I do not deny that many OW are affair-downs. In my case, the OW sure is. Still, it was my MLCer who initiated contact, who tempted her, who lied to her about us, who wined and dined her, who whispered sweet nothings in her ear until she fell hook line and sinker. And in my case, a $200 dollar allowance a month has the equivalent value of $2000 back in her 3rd world country. I wouldn't be surprised if she defends her catch like a madwoman. And if she does so, whose fault is it?
I'm sorry you have to deal with the OW. I don't think my MLCer's OW even knows I exist. Well, you know what? She can have him. And you probably should adopt this attitude as well. Have you been in a store and the moment you pick an item up, suddenly you find people crowding around, wanting to look at the same item. Yet the moment you put the item down and walk away, they all lose interest?