For some of us, it is important to try to understand what went wrong, to try to make sense of what happened to our lives. Where did that tsunami come from, how could we not see it coming, are we completely blind? Where were we when the signs were presenting themselves? The affair is to ease the MLC depression and it is the most painful sign for the LBS, but the wild carefree spending can be extremely dangerous too. Sometimes we can only piece together the signs in retrospect. Because as they happened one by one, they just looked like careless mistakes or poor choices or simple bad luck. But after the fact, well we then get to see that it has more of a pattern to it.
My H: Begins affair, buys me no christmas present that year, 5 mos later his father dies, we are talking one night 6 wks after his dad's death and he gets up in the middle of the conversation (about the cost of H paying for his dad's second funeral, yes my H gave his estranged dad a second funeral in our state where dad had not lived for 25 yrs) and leaves- taking nothing - and never returns, buys a new expensive car two weeks later, files for divorce within 4 wks of leaving but he did call the house once to see if I missed him or if the kids missed him. He had made 8 other exits (over the years) of several days duration, he was childlike in his problem-solving skillset, more of the sort "I'll run away where you can't find me and then you'll learn a lesson" and would try to gain power in this way. He would come home after I call to plead with him to return. But this time I knew about the affair (thanks to my kids) and vowed not to contact him. Within three months he was fired from his job (assuming for the affair, so inappropriate betw two profesional coworkers), she dumps him the minute he gets fired. They don't fire her...
He then buys books on repairing the marriage (this came out in the Disclosure Process of the Divorce, I saw all his credit card charges) but never does anything with them because they advocate honesty and full disclosure and gift giving and doing "acts of service". Laughingly those things must have stuck in his throat because int because these were all the things that he hated doing!! So he joins a gym, for two months. Then abandons that. Buys a new bike (didn't take his old one with him on his exit) and takes up biking, for about two months but he abandons that. Starts hiking. Stops doing that. Then he buys a kayak (we have 3 yaks here already, but he didn't take those either). My son goes kayaking with him once, so guess what? He buys yet another kayak. Now he has two (Keep in mind there are 3 stored in my garage collecting dust, but no matter; by all means, go buy two more). Reconciliation never happens and divorce finals because he still sees himself as the victim. Always the victim. No accountability for anything. I think this is how we know that there is much more going on. So there are ISSUES that show evidence of more than an affair...the constant confusion, lack of decision-making, forgetfulness (for which he has a prescrip for Androgel, and though it may assist his memory, it makes him angrier and when I see the doc next time I must remember to thank him for that!). The lack of remorse, the character change, the "oblivious to destruction", the constant running from the darkness...these are the hallmarks of something much more than just an affair.