My S11 and I are headed to almost 3 year mark of this rollercoaster ride. So he was 8 when his dad bd and rode off into the sunset with the OW. I've had my son in counseling for about 1 1/2 years now due to low self esteem and grades going down. C knows he's MLC. She has talked with S about his feelings for H and such. She told me that he should be able to tell H how he feels, regardless. So I've told him that if he wants to write a letter, text, or talk on phone I'd be there to support him. S took opportunity in person and told H that he didn't think he was a good dad, husband or friend. That people that love you don't just up and leave you. Well H didn't like it one bit, but he took it like a champ. Then went riding off into the sunset with OW again. This reoccurred several times.
Now S doesn't even talk to H. Refers to him by his name. If H shows up to anything he'll ask me What's H's given name doing here? Trying to weasel back in?
I believe that my son has been disappointed too many times that he, like me, doesn't give it much thought anymore. He thinks his dad is a lying, cheating, sneaky snake. And you know what? That's his perception and feeling and he's entitled to it.
Will it make a difference if D gives the letter or text? Never know. But just like one said, depending on what she looks to gain from it. We all hope they do have some remorse and empathy, at least for their children, but some of the saddest stories I've read about on here involve a vanisher who never looks back, so who knows?
I think she should talk with C about it and just get a little more ammunition to protect herself from what he may or may not say.
Good Luck T. Have a good Evening.