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Author Topic: Off-Topic Rest In Peace: When Someone Dies

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Off-Topic Rest In Peace: When Someone Dies
#20: July 04, 2020, 07:43:00 AM
justkeepmoving passed away suddenly on June 29, 2020.  May she be at peace.
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"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see" Hebrews 11:1

"You enrich my life and are a source of joy and consolation to me. But if I lose you, I will not, I must not spend the rest of my life in unhappiness."

" The truth does not change according to our ability to stomach it". Flannery O'Connor

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Rest In Peace: When Someone Dies
#21: July 05, 2020, 08:26:47 PM
My condolences to all who knew her.   :'(
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"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass - it's about learning to dance in the rain."

"Don't become a container for bitterness.  It's a toxin that destroys what it's carried in."

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Re: Rest In Peace: When Someone Dies
#22: September 07, 2021, 05:00:17 AM
I was waiting for RCR to Post about this but a week has now passed so I think I will post this from last week, I posted this on DB.

Well it is with some sadness that I post that her journey has come to and end.

Hearts Blessing passed on Sunday.(august 29)

This is really all the information that I have that I can post.

Other than she was still very young at 54 years old.

I did meet her once a long time ago, she was a truck driver and she was passing near by to me.

I took her out to dinner and she prayed for me.

I do remember that she smoked like crazy.

Anyways if anyone else remembers her - please feel free to post your thoughts.
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Rest In Peace: When Someone Dies
#23: September 07, 2021, 05:03:54 AM
Trusting and I also meet Heartsblessing as she was passing through and had lunch together.

There was something about her, a presence, I don't know how to explain it. She helped many many people.

Thank you OP for posting and letting us know.

Praying for her and for her family. Her faith was very strong, and she shared that with others.
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ยซ Last Edit: September 07, 2021, 05:07:14 AM by xyzcf ยป
"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see" Hebrews 11:1

"You enrich my life and are a source of joy and consolation to me. But if I lose you, I will not, I must not spend the rest of my life in unhappiness."

" The truth does not change according to our ability to stomach it". Flannery O'Connor

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Rest In Peace: When Someone Dies
#24: September 07, 2021, 05:18:14 AM
Iโ€™m new to posting on this forum but I felt I had to reply to this, my bd was 4.5 years ago and not long after I stumbled onto hearts blessing site, she has helped me tremendously over the years. I have read and reread everything she has posted. She helped me understand why this happened and that it wasnโ€™t my fault. She will be greatly missed, may she rip ๐Ÿชฆ
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Rest In Peace: When Someone Dies
#25: September 07, 2021, 05:56:07 AM
Wow a very great loss to our community.  I found HB not too long after BD and her writing and spiritual beliefs gave me the guidance and support i needed to keep my head above water.

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Re: Rest In Peace: When Someone Dies
#26: September 07, 2021, 06:10:34 AM
Oh, wow.  This saddens me greatly.  I spent a lot of time on her site early on.  Some of it was pretty far out for me personally,  but like many things post BD, there was a comfort to reading it and trying to gain a semblance of control by putting a name to the insanity and pain.  She was a unique individual, to be sure.  God rest her soul.
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BD Feb 17 Thinking of divorce
Atomic BD June 17 Spying revealed OM at work
Still home.  Threatened to leave several times and has asked me to leave about a dozen. 
Says divorce proceedings will start Jan 18.
She has scheduled mediation Feb 7,  2018
I moved out March 16, 2018
Several mediations, mostly instigated by me.  Foot dragging by STBXW.  Nothing filed. Yet.
5/2019 STBXW filed D behind my back despite signed agreement to mediate.
I retain attorney.
STBXW still hasn't told me and no further action.
Elephant in the room has been addressed.  No further action atm.  Weighing my options.
12/16/19  She files financial paperwork.  Divorce proceeding.

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Rest In Peace: When Someone Dies
#27: September 07, 2021, 06:57:00 AM
Iโ€™m truly sorry to hear of her passing.  RIP, HB.

I joined her forum a few months after BD.  She patiently heard me out as I gave her a blow by blow account of Hโ€™s shenanigans.  Imagine my surprise when she, instead of giving her analysis of H, advised me to turn my attention to self and kids.  How right she wasโ€ฆ.
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Feb 2015: BD. 
Dec 2017: Seriously reconnecting

H never left home.

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Rest In Peace: When Someone Dies
#28: September 07, 2021, 07:37:09 AM
HB's site was the first one after I realized I was dealing with MLC, and it was a great inspiration. RIP.
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Everything has a beginning and an end. Life is just a cycle of starts and stops. They're ends we don't desire, but they're inevitable and we have to face them. That's what being human is all about.  -Jet Black, Cowboy Bebop

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Rest In Peace: When Someone Dies
#29: September 07, 2021, 07:42:49 AM
So very sad to hear. I also daily read old comments on the HS page from her with all her insight as well as the Hearts blessing site. What a great legacy she left behind to continue to help and guide others, but also a reminder that life is short and we do have to carry on and live our best life despite the chaos and crisis that MLC brings to our lives. Wishing her family love and support to get them through the days, weeks, months and years to come.
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There is almost something harder about someone being alive and having to lose what you believed to be true of them than someone actually dying.

Indefatigability - determined to do or achieve something; firmness of purpose
perspicacity- a clarity of vision or intellect which provides a deep understanding and insight

Married July 1991
Jan 2018 BD1 moved out I filed for Div/ H stopped it
Oct 2018 moved back
Oct 2020 BD2
Feb 2021 Div-29 1/2 years
July 2021 Married OW
Feb 2022  XH fired
June 2022 XH bring OW to meet family due to xMIL illness
May 2023 went NC after telling XH we could not be friends
Aug 2023 XH moves w/o OWife
May 2024 xMIL visits XH/OW in their new home
Aug 2024 cut relations w/XH fam.
Dec 2024 D33 expecting baby ( XH not told)


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