Hi all,
As I have been reading everyone's stories here, I've noticed that your spouses, as well as my H, lie lie lie to us all the time. OP even states in his welcome message that believe nothing they say and only half of what they do.
My H lies about big things (I married you for social pressures, followed what society expected of me, I'm on a business trip when he is in fact in town with OW...), but what boggles the mind is that he lies about the little things too...stuff I don't even ask him about. My question is, do they lie to everyone like this, or is it only us? I remember my sister in law telling me right after bomb drop, but before I knew about the OW, that he was lying about everything (he was living with his parents at the time), but I was so out of it, I never asked her to elaborate on the lies.
I'm curious to know if the ow is lied to this much (besides the lies he's told to justify his leaving to her and everyone else), to his friends? Maybe those who have been in this longer than my 5 months can shed some light as to if people have eventually started to notice the sheer amount of lies that are told, or is it only to the LBS, since it has been noted that they often look to us as parents, and they are in the role of the rebellious teenager?
The lying drives me nuts. I notice the less I say to him, the more he talks to fill the silence, and the more lies just spill out of him. He used to be someone who always said it was best to be honest, because lying is too stressful and you have to keep the lies straight. In reflecting however, I realize that he always had the propensity to exaggerate...I used to put it down to him trying to make a story more interesting and funny. I now wonder if it was always a part of who is was...
Thoughts/insight? And do you call them out on the lies, or is there no point (I have not called him out because I feel engaging just gives him something else to blame me for, so I ignore and trust nothing.)
“One day they’ll realize they lost a diamond while playing with worthless stones.” ~ Turcois Ominek
“Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.” ~ M. Kathleen Casey