Thanks HB for that clarification. Although it scares me to think this could go on for so long. I'm having a hard time thinking about it being 2 years let alone longer. And my H is only the beginning in deep replay with OW! Ugh!
Although I missed most of what was going on, because of being so deep within my own transition; fear was the last thing on my mind, when I discovered that things were not as I had left them.
My changes were complete; with some added aspects; and I had NO fear of this extended time; I remember thinking it was totally unfair after all I'd gone through to bring this marriage back together..and now this was the order of the day.
My memories were totally fragmented; and though I remembered some things; some things were totally out of my grasp...I only knew that I hadn't signed on for the crap I was looking at; and everything I did was not having any affect on my husband.
He was completely out of control, and I had reached the end of my rope.
You do reach the point where you want to throw in the towel; and I was at that point.
If the Lord hadn't moved the way He did for our marriage; I'm unsure of what I would have done.
First, the final child was shown to me; then I waited and watched to see what would happen; coming down on my husband in the process for his irresponsibility toward our household bills.
Finally; after doing everything the Lord had instructed me to do for nearly a year; and nothing was working, I had had all I could stand.
I remember asking the Lord to either do something or move him out my way; I could do nothing else...I couldn't control him; I couldn't change him; I could do nothing with this rebellious person I was dealing with. Boundaries did NOT work with him; he was crossing them right and left, because he COULD.
He seemed to be much worse than what I'd dealt with when he was going through the initial tunnel.
I gave him to the Lord to deal with, lock, stock and barrel and left him there at the Lord's feet, knowing the Lord would help me; and went on with my life. Not long after that, the Lord showed me that something would happen to bring him down in three months; He didn't say what it was, but that things would change; just hold on for a little while longer.
My husband broke his ankle two months later; and the final processing began after a HUGE pity party on his part. The child took over completely for a time; and tried to torment both son and me..but it didn't work; and so, the child had to be put behind by my husband; and I began to see true change in him that has been ongoing ever since.
It has been nearly a year since then; and I'm seeing the man I should have seen all those years ago, emerge; and this man has been worth the wait.
I'd always known that if/when the MLC'er allowed their crisis to work on them, they do come out changed people...and I could not ask for a better man at this time.
God truly did work a miracle within our marriage; bringing about restoration; and completion; and I'm so thankful for what He did; and for what I went through.
I can't say it was that easy; it wasn't...I was loaded down with the responsibility for paying our bills, but God provided for me in that way; He met our needs; and everything got paid on time.
My husband could see for the FIRST time in his life, that I really did NOT need him for anything; and it irked him to no end; killing his pride.
I let him wallow in self pity; and I explained more than once when he wanted me to come home all of the time, that I couldn't, because I had bills to pay...and he got a healthy taste of the way he'd talked to me...I didn't do it on purpose, but if I hadn't kept our bills paid; we would have lost everything..and I wasn't going there.
As time went on, however, I began to see what this event was doing to him; it was forcing him forward; and forcing him to face himself once before.
I don't know for sure when it will truly "end"; but that doesn't matter; we are still together, working it all out; and the changes he's making are all positive.
That's why I say, MLC doesn't end with a bang, it goes out with a whimper; two people who are stronger, more mature, and are better able to face life separately, AND together.
And this takes time; and a process that must be gone through completely.
I know it's changed me for the better; and after facing this; I can face anything.