Here`s just a few of the hundreds of things that he has said;
- I haven`t moved out because you`re a good Person
- You`ll see what belongs to you when I move out, I`m not going to leave one nail on the walls (he`s keeping his word there and has made a very good start
- I hate you and should have left you years ago
- I know that you will always stand by me, no matter what
- I tell everybody exactly what I think and if they don`t like it, then that`s their problem
- I want to start a new life
- We`re like brother and sister
- I`m still extremely good looking for my age and all F`s fall at my feet
- I`m 17 years old and it`s strange that you ask (in answer to my question ) because other F`s have often asked me that too
After he returned last December (he was gone 4 weeks) when I mistakenly thought that he had reached RB and wanted us to R;
- I´m useless
- I was on the search for a GF who loves me, not sex
- I was living a superficial life with false friends
- I was so stupid and blind, you`re the best thing that I ever had and I don`t want to lose you (he obviously forgot that very quickly again)
A couple of days before he left in the middle of April;
- I`m sorry that you wasted 30 years of your life with me
- I fell madly in love with a blonde angel last night and she`s my new GF (fantasy???)
- I`m so sorry about how badly I treated **** (a certain F who I know for certain has always fancied him), she`s been madly in love with me for practically 30 years, I always led her on but never took her up on the chances she gave to me
It would be impossible to write down everything that he`s said, as that together with all the lies that he concocted would fill a large book.