My dilemma is a little different. Talked to W today and we are supposed to find something for us to do tomorrow (Sunday)
for Valentines Day.
She said, "you don't have something planned for us?" as if I would have assumed that she would want to do something.
I never was much of a leader in my family, I let her plan everything. She knows that those days are gone. I've planned things
for our anniversary, birthdays, Christmas......
I think I'm lost, my sitch just doesn't seem to be like most on here. I did explain that it's tough for me to ask her
to do stuff for fear that she would feel like it's pressure from me and I don't want her to feel that.
Again, W seems to respond positively to any kind of nice things I do.
I could be wrong but I think she may be seeing the new me, not that guy that was just plodding through his life.
Also when we kiss and it's more than a peck on the lips, she will get very emotional. I thought it was guilt,
but now I think she's afraid.