With all respect, good luck with that, but I am think it is impossible. Human is like tree, whatever happens to the tree during a life can be seen on tree and in tree. How tree is big, how much scars have, all those scars from tree youth still remain, look even bigger. Our spouses hit MLC just because of that, they has bad experiences in childhood, FOO issues, impaired parents, God knows what, only they knows. How human beings are hardwired and everything in nature trying to use minimum energy, humans live huge majority of life on auto pilot. And that autopilot could be bad one which is made years since human born, some people develop bad, even maladaptive defense mechanisms and bad, even maladaptive coping mechanisms. All of that is made by long time of repetitive events which make our complexes, automatic parts of our self.
So, their coping skills and defense are huge and they perceive world as hostile. They cannot live anymore like that so they crash.
What I am trying to say is that people who aren't hurt badly or live in long time abuse could change self during life on evolute way. They could not. Same goes with normal people. We are severely damaged. Time could heal, but it is long and painful process. nevertheless we would never be completely healed.
In case that is possible, that method of healing would get Nobel prize.