Me too Onward, I saw lot's of that, incredible confusion. He would be begging me to give him more time, and 5 minutes later, mocking me and telling me, "he was going to marry her"! He would tell me how unhappy he was, how unhappy he had been. At first it was the last couple of years and then it was the last 4 or 5 years and eventually, HE HAD NEVER been happy with me. From the day he married me, he knew he had made a big mistake. Then he would be crying, begging me to give him time to sort this out.
It's all so crazy. This was a man who always seemed to know what he was doing. Why he was doing it. Where he wanted to be. He just seemed to have all the answers. He became a terrible mess.
I wish every marriage could be saved. I don't know why so few are. I wish I did. There is only one thing I know for certain, UNLESS we protect ourselves in every possible way, physically, mentally and emotionally, WE can't or won't be of much use to anybody. Law Professor said something really important on Thundarr's thread today...
What the 3 all recommend is that these people need to learn the lessons they were intended to learn during this crisis for themselves. That we cannot help them nor cushion the fall. In attempting to do so, we can even damage their chances of fully learning and healing is the take away then.
I believe this statement 100%. Of the few marriages that I have seen attempt to reconcile, it was not done with unconditional FORGETFULNESS, it was done with clear firm boundaries. That was the mistake I made. I had not set firm boundaries. Mainly because my h returned quite suddenly, and besides that, the other 3 or 4 times that he attempted a reconnection, he ran back to OW within days... or a couple of weeks. Quite frankly, I WAS NOT EXPECTING to be with him very long. I ended up making up my boundaries as I went. Basically week by week. Month to month... until 3 years later, I realized, HE'S GOING TO STAY! At least for now.
It will be 10 years this July 5th. There is a part of me, that would not be surprised if he left again, I sort of wait for it. I'm not sure it would be any different with a completely different partner or not. That absolute trust is gone now. I don't think it ever returns for anybody. It's not a bad thing.
Hugs Stayed