Just a note:
Over on Divorce Busting is a man named Cali who is in the process of reconnecting and reconciliation with his wife. He details his up and down battle honestly and directly. Included in some of his trials are a wife with a life long STD from the OM, as well as her slow progress and sex starved marriage. His journey, to me, details some of the reasons few men stand half as long as many women seem to remain standing.
He is a funny guy and a great read from the beginning.
He is now at the point when it is his decision what happens just as they say.
Also over there is a man named Forever Young who is even farther on in reconciling with his wife. The two live together, vacation together, and rarely fight. They are slowly but steadily building and have come miles from where they were.
The patience of these men is astounding, as is their capacity to forgive, make themselves vulnerable, not walk around a steaming ball of anger, and have gotten honest with themselves. They are not wallowing in misery nor are they standing still. They don't seem to take crap nor accept it from their wives. They are pretty impressive MEN.
Best LP
if people won’t listen to you, there’s no point in talking to people. If they won’t listen, you’re just banging your head against a wall.
Sadly Ive used up all the time I had allotted to spend banging my head on the wall