But my main question is still; is "our" mlc'r, having depression "only" (as in male depression signs are what most of us describe here), or do they have a NPD disorder first and a depression on top of that? (cluster B personality types experience more depressions).
Simple answer is NO it is not depression only as we have established above you and I became depressed and did not then have any other symptoms or have a crisis.
So depression is part of it, add in some hormonal issues, childhood issues, possibly FOO, enabling partners, midlife issues, and maybe some other factors(transitions) and you have a perfect storm to have a MLC. Forgot to mention empty nest, deaths, illnesses or some other trigger.
I am not sure why being bipolar or depressed does not explain lying as my experience shows that lying comes very naturally to my bipolar mother.
I can only say that since you have never been so depressed that you could not get out of bed,
that some depressed people are that way, and if you translate that into MLC,
you can see why some are vanishers.
They can not even get out of bed, have no energy to do anything so they are like a wounded
animal hiding in a cave trying to repair themselves
Oh and I totally agree that mental illness is totally under reported and diagnosed in the world.
Here are some depression books that I would suggest
I Don't Want To Talk About It: Overcoming the Secret Legacy of Male Depression
by Terrence Real
Unmasking Male Depression by Archibald Hart
The Pain Behind The Mask: Overcoming Masculine Depression by John Lynch,
Christopher T. Kilmarting
My book review