I hear you Stayed. I wish I had gone NC sooner. It may have dawned on me just what I was trying to deal with.I'll hit the 3 year mark in a couple of months. And also wish I had left the marriage sooner.
If LBS's maybe viewed NC from the perspective of leaving the MLcer alone ( maybe even try to look at it as any contact will hinder or hold up the process) and also not allowing the mlcer to "run the show" ( boundaries) in the Lbs's life.
Let go of control and for peace of mind resign as being general manager of the universe.
An LBS may slow down the process by engaging in conversations that go no where and keep both people stuck. Or any toxic cycle or game. Any contact may do damage that you might not even be aware of. It can manifest physically after an encounter.
What I've done to help heal:
Post here, get feedback, read (although that has kind of moved into reading about NPD). Not because I'm interested so much, more like how to deal with people who exhibit the behavior of it and then reading about how you heal from it...recognize it and either learn how to deal with it in a person in your life or just admit to yourself it just isn't worth the energy or effort.
It's a personality disorder that everyone else ends up in therapy for while the person who has it goes untreated. Then they sit back and say "See I told you she was crazy or something is wrong with her.

It has helped for me to try to learn to not take negative things people say or do personally.
For me it has been mostly cry and allow myself to feel again. I am working on not crying as easily. I just find crying helps with the stress.
I SLEEP.( again helps me escape stress) ..drink WATER (lots of it) vitamins B12, Vita D, Magnesium.
And laugh whenever I can- again a great stress reliever.
And to try to help me get passed the grief over my children I have started going to a hypnotist.
Working helps so I don't have the time to dwell on things.
I need to add exercise to the list.

And cut back on or quit smoking.
The flashbacks have been gone for a while now. The triggers somedays are worse if I'm tired.
Surround myself with supportive friends and relatives I do have.
NC might give each the time to work through some of the more painful issues that need to be addressed in themselves. Whether a reconciliation presents itself or not. (reconciliation not happening in my case)
As far as opposite sex relationships:
I have quite a bit more outer and inner peace..no RL drama. I do not date or have any "situationships". I'm not interested in complicating my life currently. I have been hurt enough and I do not wish to hurt anybody else.
I try to breathe more deeply not panic as some days I stress out and can get overwhelmed easily.
I do not believe everything or anything people post has to be positive. Counting blessings is a positive thing and being grateful for what we have and all the good there is really does need to take the front seat. Not easy sometimes.
We all need a place to vent to remove some of the negative. That also helps as it can help others and maybe not feel so alone with the challenges dealing with this creates. Anger isn't necessarily negative. It might even reveal what myself or someone else might need some help with. Like for me it's patience...
And that's not because I was some spoiled brat and things went my way or happened in some timely fashion. It's because I have always been pretty patient and it's gotten out of balance with me not putting me first.
In that relationship:
Because my needs were either unmet and feelings dismissed. I stopped expressing them BECAUSE that was the surest way for me not to get the need met or feel heard or listened too.
I would just keep my mouth shut wait and see if anybody really gave a $h!te. Guess what? They didn't.