Sewing22 thanks for sharing your story with us, my question is in knowing all of this what is the best thing as a LBS to do for their MLCer? Is it just standing and not giving up on them? Paving the way? What do you think your H could have done to help you, maybe insist on going to a doctor about the depression?
Scooter, back then I saw a therapist for a whole year. Looking back I know I should have been put on antidepressants, but I wasn't. Also, the therapist who treated me did not counsel me on helping me with my marriage, but steered me in the direction. Of saving myself. This is why I'm convinced that the wrong kind of therapy can do way more harm than good, and that marriage counselling, even when treating one half of a couple should be about preserving the family, all things being equal of course.
I know standing is a very personal choice and is in itself it's own journey, but I will always say that after I came out of my fog (no other word could describe this better, by the way), I could have gone back to my marriage, but my ex-h at that point had become so bitter that it wasn't an option. Uhh, I guess he never was a member of this site!!!
We don't know if everyone whose h/w leaves is in MLC, but out of the ones who truly are, I can tell you with certainty, if they can make it out of that tunnel alive, there is a chance they will want to come back if their life with the LBS was a good one. I know I could have tried again just by wanting to get back everything I had lost. It would have been like coming home from the 100 Year's war, opening the front door, putting down my worn and tattered bags and asking, what's for dinner?
I was pissed off at how I lost my family and my life.