1Trouble, I honestly believe it is a smoking gun. When I read this information, I realized: this has to be it. Everything is there. It explains everything. PTSD, projection, lack of empathy, poor decision making, inability to learn from mistakes, poor emotional regulation, gullibility, lack of irony -- even inability to read certain cues about the opposite sex. (An ability that theoretically might help stop someone from reading signs that a partner was unsuitable). This explains why my husband who had a really great and subtle sense of humor suddenly thought cat videos on YouTube are hilarious. (Some are, I know. I don't have MLC.)
There is a mention that serotonin can affect this region. I wondered if it was possible for inflammation to affect as well. The immune system is directly linked to the brain. I would like to contact a researcher to have them explore this further.
I had the same thought as you: in some people this is permanent, but in others it resolves more quickly. Rather than look at it as some "issue" or "process" the MLCer is working on, if this somehow flares up or the brain is able to recover, then it makes sense why some people would have more clarity, some might recover permanently, some might never recover, and some might only recover partially or relapse.
I 100 percent agree with you that this is one of the main problems. We sense that our spouse has had something happen to them, but have no name to put to it. If this is about the ventromedial prefrontal cortex and the article is correct, a person with a deficiency in this area can retain intellectual and even moral decision making abilities apart from their own choices. (Which is why a MLCer is not demonstrating across-the-board psychopathy.)
I believe my own husband (ex pretty much now) has a very extreme case. I think this is why it is noticeable to others. From your posts I feel that you are in a similar situation. It could be that people who are drawn to this aspect have also experienced more extreme versions and it is clearer therefore that this is not just psychological.