It's been awhile since I posted an update...
Little Lady is almost 2 years old and her adoption is in process. There is only one caseworker who does adoptions and for the past hyear they have had a record number, so she has been overworked and adoptions are taking longer right now...they just advertised for someone to help her.
Little Man is 11 months--he and Little Lady are bio-siblings--is not yet in adoption process, but the termination of parental rights was officially filed last week--the filing paperwork was started the last week of January, so it took just that long to make it through to being officially filed with the court. We should receive the first trial date in the next week or so.
We have told our adoption caseworker that she can place other cases ahead of Little Lady of they will let her since then we might be able to have them both be adopted at the same time. Their parents failed to show up to the first trial (which was not really a trial but a court appointment for setting the date of the trial several months out). Failure to show was an automatic default to termination, which is why her termination came so quickly. They could do the same for Little Man, I am not expecting, but I do know that since it's happened it is a distinct possibility in this case.
Little Man has had a cold. It hasn't been bad, but the breathing struggles remained even when the other symptoms seemed to be gone--though they are now back. So we have been to the doctor several times and he has been put on two different inhaler medications. This week she finally said his chest sounded clear--even though his cold his back--but to keep the inhalers on hand and use as needed.
We are starting to have some behavioral issues with our oldest daughter who is now 5--her issues are mostly at school, though we see some of the same things at home I think they are a bigger problem in the school setting...and with her bio-brother who is our younger 5-year old. These two are the only ones not born addicted! He is showing some extreme defiance and lashing out by kicking or scratching--fortunately usually at air right now, but if we don't do something to get some help I do expect this will escalate. I put in a call to Children's Home Society for counseling--as kids adopted from foster care they qualify for services. I left a message and am just waiting to hear back.
I get to go to a foster and adoptive mom retreat! It's not until October, but I am so looking forward to it. I saw it last year, but not soon enough to plan and register to attend. At least I was able to impress upon Chuck my need for retreat as I at that time was feeling exhausted. I am getting there again as things have been tough since the change to daylight savings. The babies now wake during the 10:00 hour just before I want to get in bed--this means I don't get to go to bed as it is often both Little Lady and Little Man--a few minutes apart. I am often not in bed until midnight and so I've been pushing my wake up from 6:00 to 6:30 and this then puts me 30 minutes behind in the mornings--well of course it does.
But just thinking about it all makes me tingle with joy. They are so much fun--hard work and (unfortunately) laundry are just part of the life.
We bought property last year and are have a 3-year plan for building--based on when we have enough in our savings. For Christmas we bought the kids a battery operated jeep that seats two and recently took them up to the property on a Sunday and let them drive all over. It was a blast! Little Lady got to be a permanent passenger--she will be 2 in May--because she's not big enough to drive and the others argued over who drove and who rode. No one argued though once we put Little Lady in the seat and each got to drive her around--she had the biggest and cutest grin stuck on her face. Our oldest four-year-old seems to be the most skilled--at jeep driving, bike riding...anything requiring athleticism or coordination. But he can be a backseat (or next to the car) driver, shouting orders to the others how and what to's pretty hilarious when they aren't annoyed by it.
Next year we will have 2 in all-day school--kindergarten and 1st grade. I can't wait. Though I doubt we will have the luxury of the special ed bus which now arrives at our doorstep to pick up and drop off our oldest--she may have some spatial problem as she had trouble finding her way places and the first week of school wound up in the parking lot which is why she now rides the special ed bus. She also has speech problems and so when lost others had trouble understanding her. We have to walk around the block to the regular bus stop and it arrives much earlier, but at least they get to eat breakfast at school.
Easter is almost here and new dresses and suits and ties are all ready to go for the day--one of the boys got rather upset that he didn;t get to wear his suit and tie yesterday--I'm behind on laundry this week after Little Lady got sick over a lot of bedding and would not have had time to get his outfit washed had he worn it...but how cute that he wants to dress up. I hope he is that excited and willing come Sunday and does not instead want to wear spiderman which is the usual favorite for both 4-year olds.
Life is hectic and wonderful here, God Bless