The tunnel for me is nothing like what I envision it would be reading the articles on this forum. You have to remember I denied my depression for most of the 3 years. The tunnel is a very dark place, at least it was for me. It is a place where I did most of my thinking and rationalizing. I was in the tunnel and out of reach emotionally from everything and everyone. I would literally mentally be in the tunnel for times on end not being able to process the slightest detail of anything. I hid in the tunnel. I actually felt safe in the tunnel from making any decisions or assuming responsibility for anybody's happiness.
The tunnel for me also was a stagnant place where I was not learning or growing, but just still because I felt comfortable being suspended as if time stood still until I was ready to pick and start moving forward. Imagine a child having a safe place they run to when they are scared. Perhaps under their bed, in the closet, and the tree house.That is the tunnel, but for the adult it is deep within the mind. The tunnel has layers to it. As I passed thru, the fog was lifting ever so gently and the load became easier to carry and process.
Every layer removed, the work that needed to be done became more bearable, my outlook about things started changing slowly. I begin to see more positivity instead of doom and gloom. My thoughts and memories begin to change. It had happened so gradual that I literally felt like I was getting and feeling better to starting to be aware of things I was not cognizant of prior to. I was able to function, I was able to fool everybody, but I literally was a walking mental nutcase. No sleep, just thinking, processing, sadness, and self pity, followed by an urge to surround myself with people who were the opposite of me to fulfill things I thought I was missing or lacked in myself. I hope I explained it somewhat so you get an idea of the tunnel. Let me know