I tried to take it and turn it into determination. I started a business and a lot of my physical energy went into that. And I was pissed I can tell you that much as some on here know. Not being able to get justice after being assaulted.
Of course with the trauma and triggers it did come out in other ways. Some friends and others in my life heard it. I wrote letters to others. It left me feeling unsatisfied for the most part as the people I really felt needed to hear it didn't.
I have just started after three years to be able to focus and read a book and as a last ditch effort with the grief I went to a hypnotist. It helped a lot. I felt I was stuck in the anger phase for way too long.
I slept ( and still do use sleep) to escape the stress, and am taking Magnesium and B-12. And cry. I cried so much I thought I would dehydrate. I drink a lot of water and drink a de-stress iced tea. And I work..a lot.
I still get mad and sad and I cry I just try not to get carried away with the emotions so much. For a while it was if I got mad, or sad and started to cry over something small all of a sudden everything would come to the forefront. Not pretty...
That was something that wasn't "allowed" in the ex relationship. I wasn't even free to FEEL without being put down over it or dismissed. Didn't matter if I was happy, sad, mad, peaceful, whatever. Whatever way I felt about things wasn't allowed,wasn't the way to feel about it, didn't matter, or if I'd felt that way too long according to the ex ( after the death of my father the ex was flipping out because I was still crying 2 weeks later..so I stopped.. BIG mistake) in the ex's opinion my feelings didn't make any sense. Technically I see in hindsight it was because it took the attention and focus off him. I once thought it was because he felt helpless to "fix" it.
So needless to say after 28 years of bottling them up- the divorce, then then me returning to the ex stupidly thinking it was an MLC and then the assault when I was leaving him happened they were overwhelming when I finally felt them. Especially since I was so clueless that I was in an abusive relationship. Or actually a highly abusive relationship.
Now I also try to laugh as much as possible it's a great stress reliever and helps your brain. I practice being grateful and thankful.
IMHO: If you go or are NC that at least will not make the situation worse. It won't hurt you or anybody else.