For me hope does =expectations. And that was keeping me stuck. And allowing me to let H disrespect me. He had Even brought OW to my town, to a festival he know me and the kids were at... Talk about a smack in the face! And I still responded to his texts like nothing ever happened.... Well, I realized how much disrespect he was still dishing out!! So yes, I have went NC 😲 even my daughter said "mom, how can you allow him to even talk to you? You are so much better than that" I realized I was sending her a message. And I didn't like that message!! I also realized I must not think enough of myself to let this happen yet again with him. 3 years of narcissistic, infidelity, withholding affection. Before BD! I love my husband..... But this guy walking around in his much abused body... I don't know that person... BUT I am getting to know me. And I think she deserves better... Just sayin. Thanks again for this discussion. Much needed