wow, this is awesome stuff! I so wish I had one of those... Or maybe like many, I've just mentally blocked much of the crazy... Then again, considering the low energy (if it's possible) off-and-on that my W appears to be, there's really not enough comm to get any of this stuff... or maybe... I have some new, unique type that is simply "
so extremely mild MLC that they almost seem exactly like the person that you M, but only a little more extreme and they hate your guts for no apparent reason" type.
Anyhow, this might also go in the scripts we've heard, but it certainly ranks in the funny / crazy category:
W: I don't want to end up like my parents...
OK, for the record, my W almost generally sounds reasonable, for the most part... especially in public.
M: We aren't your parents...
Now for the break down:
+ W's parents split for one year when W was about 13
+ We split a few days before D13's b-day
+ W's mom had her first child out of wedlock
+ D13 is not my bio daughter
+ W was never M prior to me
+ It is very possible that W's mom had an A prior to D FIL about three years ago
+ W definitely has had an A (ok, not huge, but there's more about this)
+ MIL went on to M the man she had her first child with (awww... isn't that romantic)
+ W's current OM has the same name as the man she had D13 with
+ MIL most certainly dropped the bomb on FIL, which he was blindsided with
+ W... well, stands to reason...
+ I guess if I can ensure that W does not end up like her parents, I best not get back together with her
+ W, in 11 months has only said she agreed to D once... otherwise, she continues to say she does not want D or is unsure... but of course, she does not want to be M...