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Author Topic: Off-Topic Election thread # 5



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Off-Topic Re: Election thread # 5
#70: February 19, 2017, 09:03:34 PM
A modest proposal...

The problem lies in that even conservative estimates of the percentage of Christians who are radicalized and vote in those politicians who called for the destruction of the Islamic world is 20%. We are at war with MILITANT Christianity because their goal is the destruction of our way of life and to either convert everyone else to Christianity or kill them. How many militant Christians have you met and how many would it take for you to realize THEY WANT YOU DEAD?  One could argue that the Christian terrorists' cause is "just" as they are acting based upon their religious beliefs. The families of the Muslims whom the Christians shot in their mosques in Canada might disagree with your statement, as would the Iraq war survivors.

In America even pre-pubescent girls are kidnapped and forced to be prostitutes. You mean that Christian women can walk around freely over there without being told what to do or what to wear? They rape and beat women who don’t do what their male relatives tell them to do.

No Christian out there wants to kill me, or you or any of us?  WTH? Saying that the only ones who need worry about radicalized Christians are other Christians is ridiculous. They SHOOT MUSLIMS IN THE STREET. Most people are good. But some are bad ones. That’s not generalizing.

Do you think this sounds crazy? Bigoted? Something that came off an ISIS website? I copy/pasted Thundarr's own words, and simply substituted Christian for Muslim, adjusting for the relevant headlines. If that's not sufficiently disturbing for you, just substitute the term Jew. Are you unsettled yet? I'm not Muslim, Christian or Jewish, and I'm appalled. Can we stop saying this form of hate speech is morally justifiable?
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« Last Edit: February 19, 2017, 09:07:08 PM by osb »
"You have a right to action, not to the fruit thereof; shoot your arrow, but do not look to see where it lands."  -Bhagavad Gita

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Re: Election thread # 5
#71: February 19, 2017, 09:31:44 PM
That was brilliant osb.
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Re: Election thread # 5
#72: February 19, 2017, 09:45:09 PM
As I pointed out I have felt this way about Trump long before BD or even a whisper  of marital concerns. My issue with him is not a reflexive trigger based on being an lbs. it is the fact that as I said a leader unwilling to admit errors and so willing to manipulate information to suit his narrative is dangerous.

I am in the same boat as you. My feelings about Trump are triggered by some things I went through long before BD that have nothing to do with my husband and me. They have to do with someone very similar and very powerful that I got to know about quite quite well.
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Re: Election thread # 5
#73: February 19, 2017, 09:49:16 PM
  Give it some time, at least a year, to see how things fall and go from there.  Several of us gave our spouses years to find their footing and get their head on straight, so I think we can give him a few more months.  Politics aside, all of us Americans are on the same plane and he's piloting it.  If he fails at his job we ALL lose.

You can't be serious. You compare him to an MLCer and then say that is ok? You are joking, right? If he fails at this job, the whole world loses.
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Re: Election thread # 5
#74: February 20, 2017, 01:19:10 AM
You can change the story of the Holocaust to read that it was Jews executing Nazis, too, but that won't bring back any of the dead.  I've never in my life seem so many blindly denying facts that are right in front of their face in order to live some sort of fantasy narrative that the world is full of peace and love and that we can all just sit around a campfire singing Kumbaya.  It's like dealing with a client who has fixated delusions.  Short of prescribing medication, all you can do is smile at them and make sure they're meeting their basic needs.
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One day at a time.


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Re: Election thread # 5
#75: February 20, 2017, 04:03:19 AM
For the record even the EU and president Obama declared the christians in Syria to be under a genocide attack.   Reversing roles, as was recently done, is an attempt to claim moral equivalency.  Let's remember some facts:   There is a true genocide acknowledged by our government where people are being executed by drowning in cages, firing lines,  crucifixions and beheadings for their religious beliefs .If history is any lesson, we will discover this was just the tip of the ice burg in terms of atrocities and war crimes.
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Re: Election thread # 5
#76: February 20, 2017, 04:56:14 AM
For the record even the EU and president Obama declared the christians in Syria to be under a genocide attack.   Reversing roles, as was recently done, is an attempt to claim moral equivalency.  Let's remember some facts:   There is a true genocide acknowledged by our government where people are being executed by drowning in cages, firing lines,  crucifixions and beheadings for their religious beliefs .If history is any lesson, we will discover this was just the tip of the ice burg in terms of atrocities and war crimes.

No it isn't, because the US government actually recognizes that 85-97% of all victims of terrorism are MUSLIM:

Yes, non-Muslims are victims of ISIS too, but the vast majority of terrorism victims are Muslims, and most of those are probably killed for their beliefs.
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Re: Election thread # 5
#77: February 20, 2017, 05:32:10 AM
You can change the story of the Holocaust to read that it was Jews executing Nazis, too, but that won't bring back any of the dead.  I've never in my life seem so many blindly denying facts that are right in front of their face in order to live some sort of fantasy narrative that the world is full of peace and love and that we can all just sit around a campfire singing Kumbaya.  It's like dealing with a client who has fixated delusions.  Short of prescribing medication, all you can do is smile at them and make sure they're meeting their basic needs.

Funny because I had this exact thought about Trump (and you). Once anyone confronts with FACTS not opinions we are told it's media spin or we don't know what the truth is. I actually had a Trump supporter try to convince me that the media was lying about the number of people at Trump'S inauguration though I was watching it live. That's bizarre and dangerous.

 No one is trying to pretend that the works is full of peace and love but that doesn't mean it is as Trump paints it either. That's a false dichotomy.  The fact that anytime Trump says something that is a lie his supporters are ok with simply explaining it away doesn't make those of us who question him the ones with the delusions.

I am not arguing that many terrorust attacks havd been perpetrated by Muslims around the world but many mass shootings here in America were perpetrated by White men and I don't hold every white man accountable for the actions of a few. You have said not to believe the stereotypes of Trump supporters so you want to paint Muslims with a broad brush but expect discrimination and understanding when it's your own group. Muslim are as heterogeneous a people as you are. I have no problem with strict vetting and screening of people coming from that region - extreme vetting is not new. I mentioned before I am from the Caribbean a region that also receives tremendous scrutiny before visas are granted.  But I cannot support the branding of an entire group of people - that is bigotry at its most fundamental levels.
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Re: Election thread # 5
#78: February 20, 2017, 05:34:38 AM
Formal declaration of genocide declared ...
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Re: Election thread # 5
#79: February 20, 2017, 05:46:09 AM
Formal declaration of genocide declared ...

In that article you posted it said the majority of the victims have been Muslim. Your supporting article acknowledges that fact - so why do we only care about the Christians. Why don't we care that thousands of PEOPLE are being killed?
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