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Author Topic: Off-Topic Election thread # 5

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Off-Topic Re: Election thread # 5
#60: February 19, 2017, 06:22:57 PM
Thundarr, do not mock or insult me. There is no tolerance for intolerance. I tolerated people that are respectul. I do not tolerate bullies, nor people that are disrespectful.  Regardless of their ideas being, or not being, similar to mine.

You have disrespected HS members and HS rule of conduct. What part of it do you not understand? You are in infringement of HS rules. By doing so, you can be banned or put on moderated posts.

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« Last Edit: February 19, 2017, 06:24:18 PM by Anjae »
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Re: Election thread # 5
#61: February 19, 2017, 06:39:46 PM
Show me how I mocked or insulted you, Annej.  I said nothing even close to what Evas and Stayed said so where's your disciplining of them?  Could it be that your bias is showing through?  I'll continue to both speak my mind and defend myself from attacks, all while calling out double standards like this.  Disagree with me all you want but do NOT falsely accuse me of anything.  Thank you.
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Re: Election thread # 5
#62: February 19, 2017, 07:08:26 PM
The information you are quoting as facts are BLATANTLY false Thundarr.  You can yell and scream, jump up and down and have as many wobbly as your chubby little body will let you, BUT your quoting FAKE FACTS!  My goodness man, take a look at some real news and quite frankly.... FOX NEWS is not real.

What do you not understand about that?  I live in the country next door to you... you might have heard of us, we're called CANADA.  We get American news, local, international, national ... from CNN, MSNBC, CBC, BBC, Fox News, CNBC, as well as Canadian, hell even some Russian.  I channel surf and quite frankly even Fox is STARTING to report some of  trumps LIES and calling them false statements... gawd forbid if they were to call them LIES.  Just because it comes from his yap, does not make it true! In fact, most folks have begun to realize that most everything that comes out of his mouth is a big fat LIE.

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Re: Election thread # 5
#63: February 19, 2017, 07:13:49 PM
Stayed called me fat.  That's discrimination!

Seriously, Stayed, I have no idea what's real and what's not and honestly none of us do.  Journalistic integrity has gone the way of the dodo in favor of ratings and we're all the poorer.  I have a friend who says that al-Jazeera is the most honest channel.  How sad is that?  We're all being manipulated and divided so maybe we need to focus our energies elsewhere.
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Re: Election thread # 5
#64: February 19, 2017, 07:27:18 PM
I actually disagree about not knowing what's real. There are claims that have been made that are verifiable - things like him saying that he had the largest electoral college victory, the largest viewership of any inauguration, etc. Those are not things the media is manipulating. There is definitely some media spin but there always has been. It is very dangerous to imply that we don't know the truth. In many instances we do know the truth - sometimes that truth doesn't suit the Trump narrative. The trump counselor herself said they were using "alternative facts".  That is dangerous and disgraceful. All presidents lie at times but I concerned about the sheer number of lies that are for no reason and then the deliberate attempt to discredit media. Once again, I say that is dangerous. Also, the idea of panicking too early - I have felt that trump is dangerous for the past 7 years or so. This is not a new concern for me. I think someone who can never admit mistakes and whose ego is so fragile is dangerous as a leader.
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Re: Election thread # 5
#65: February 19, 2017, 07:28:46 PM
Thundarr, you often remark on women's bodies (as does the president) so why is it offensive when women remark on men's bodies? Perhaps this is why some women want to be covered up?

Don't make excuses for Trump. He said something happened LAST night in Sweden. Nothing happened Friday night in Sweden. He lied.
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Re: Election thread # 5
#66: February 19, 2017, 07:40:37 PM
I think someone who can never admit mistakes and whose ego is so fragile is dangerous as a leader.

You know something Reallytrying... that is what bothers me the most too.  Not once has trump apologized.  Even when he was caught on tape outright lying.  It's not just spliced tape... or tidbits... it's the entire comment, which we have seen.  You know why it bothers us so much... because that is exactly what our SPOUSES tried to do to us.  They would do things or same things, and when we would try to address us, they would tell us we obviously misunderstood.. or that they plain didn't say that.  trump constantly gaslights us... just like our spouse did.

I CAN'T understand how ANY LBS cannot see that completely.  We of all people should be the MOST aware that trump is LYING his a$$ off.

I just tossed that in there Thundarr... how did you like it?  trump does that all the time to women.  One of his outright proofs that he would never have touched a couple of those women that came out against him... he actually said... LOOK AT HER... I wouldn'[t have gone near her... not exact words but you get the gist I am sure...
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Re: Election thread # 5
#67: February 19, 2017, 07:52:09 PM
There I think we have it.  Trump triggers certain aspects of male MLC behavior.  well said stayed.

The narcissism and the fabulist who turns facts and attacks at will.

The trolling, gas lighting, and enjoyment he takes in being controversial.

The tendency  to divorce, date and marry women who seem to match trophy wife stereotypes.

I'm sure this goes deeper, and I in no way mean this as insulting or deragatory.  The lbs experience does mark us and leave us emotionally predisposed to respond almost reflexively to certain stimuli.

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« Last Edit: February 19, 2017, 08:00:23 PM by elray »

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Re: Election thread # 5
#68: February 19, 2017, 08:12:46 PM
As I pointed out I have felt this way about Trump long before BD or even a whisper  of marital concerns. My issue with him is not a reflexive trigger based on being an lbs. it is the fact that as I said a leader unwilling to admit errors and so willing to manipulate information to suit his narrative is dangerous. He doesn't match the things I expect from a leader. Period! The fact that is election has intentionally or unintentionally emboldened a bigoted minority has only made it worse for me.
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Re: Election thread # 5
#69: February 19, 2017, 08:20:05 PM
Brilliant, El!
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