Me again... I truly am starting to believe that my stbx does not love me anymore. If he loved me at all he would not treat me so poorly. I actually am believing all the spew he says.
I know exactly where you are coming from and you're very brave for expressing your fears.
You are less than one year in.... that's nothing.
My husband had me 100% convinced that I was old, fat, and ugly inside and out. I drank the Kool-aide. I believed him. That's when I was at my lowest.
You know what? I won't lie, right now he probably doesn't love you, he is dead inside. This is what p!sses me off the most about MLC.... THEIR insecurities bleed onto us and we accept that it is ours to own.... IT IS NOT!!!
So for today, forget about what he thinks about you.
This is your fake it till you make it stage. How's that LBS diet going for you? It was the ONE thing I liked about MLC.... I went down to my pre-pregnancy weight (I'm back up btw,... not that it matters now).
This is the time to buy that new outfit, new shoes, nails, whiten the teeth, and lipstick, I never tried lipstick until I was almost fifty.... who knew how awesome a tube of lipstick can be??
AND please... invest in a good bra, nothing more important than a good bra.
I started to pretend no matter where I went, grocery store, Walmart, it didn't matter I
might run into them. I wanted to look fabulous just in case. btw--- when I did run into them 6 months ago, I did look fabulous and it was awesome, she looked like she just rolled out of a car
Think about your body language. I started to walk with a purpose, shoulders back, head up, look people in the eyes and smile.
Shortly after I started to change my outside appearance I was walking across a parking lot at an outside mall. A mailman in his truck called me over. "ummm.... excuse me, miss?" I walked over thinking he was going to ask for directions.
He said, "I just wanted to tell you, you are breathtaking"
What? My husband of 28 years just left me because I'm old and used up. Why is this stranger complimenting me? I hadn't been hit on in years, why now?
It's all about attitude baby, it's all in the attitude.
Oh.... just thought of this one.
At a parade about a month later, I was wearing white jeans, wedges, and a light blue tank, I was tanned and toned. A group of his hockey friends spotted me and started to "cat-call" and then they realized who I was, wonder if that's when they started to call him stupid.