Thanks for following along, Calamity. Yes, I never expected to be doing this kind of work again, especially at this age. But, for me too it has on the whole been positive.
I have hesitated to discuss another part of my recent journey because I am doing fine & have great support from family, friends, & co-workers. After a routine mammogram this spring I was diagnosed with breast cancer. It was small & caught early & does not appear to have spread. I had the necessary relatively minor surgery (lumpectomy is kind of an ugly word). Genetic testing on the tumor confirms that chemotherapy is not warranted, but I have begun radiation treatments to decrease the chances of recurrence later down the line.
One of my reasons for bringing this up on HS is to remind all of us once again, to be vigilant in self-care. Even years down the line, once all the crazy painful panicky angry depressed effects are winding down & you are “moving on” with your life in healthy & happy ways, stay vigilant.
Our LBS symptoms are so severe I often marveled at how healthy I remained, with hardly a cold, let alone more damaging physical effects. So it gave me a bit of a chill when my oncologist was talking with me & casually mentioned that this tumor “has probably been forming for 4-6 years”. Bomb drop was 5 ½ years ago.
Now, I have a pretty strong family history for cancer (although not breast cancer) & we all know the statistic that 1 out of 8 women will experience breast cancer in her lifetime. (Heart disease still kills more women though.) So, I’m not going to blame my H or his MLC. One can never know what environmental factors trigger crazy genetic mutations. The larger point is Take Care of Yourself. Keep Taking Care of Yourself. Keep up with a primary caregiver. Get those mammograms & then get the mani/pedi. Take your BP meds even if you feel fine. Return to counseling if you’re depressed. Call a friend or a suicide hotline if you have ANY thoughts of harming yourself.
We have all lived through one of the most traumatic events one can experience. This sort of stress has an effect. Somewhere. Some how. Some day. Perhaps in a way we least expect. Take care out there.
Detach and Survive: A Book of Self-Care for the Wives of Midlife Crisis Men
The Journey from Abandonment to Healing, Susan Anderson
Healing the Shame that Binds You, John Bradshaw
The Addictive Personality, Craig Nakken'ed 41 years
BD-Jan 2013
Legally separated Feb 2013
D'ed without my consent July 2015
H M'ed OW Sept 2015