You are right, Velika, bvFTD is not trying to sell anything. No one said she was. Like no one denied FTd exists and is a terible, terrible illness.
What we don't buy is that our spouses have FTD.
Differential diagnosis is challenging even for professionals. That is why many people take years to receive a correct diagnosis.
It is. Very challenging. Which is why one should not try to say that behaviour x or thing z means illness w. They may not. At all.
I am fairly certain that for pretty much everyone here the reason is MLC. If you read through the threads, including of those in reconnection or reconciled, or those that don't yet have the purple icon, but are already getting closer and closer to their MLCer, you will notice many had totally insane behaviour at BD and even afterwards.
Do you know Mr J totally lost it? And I mean, lost it. Going so far as trying to push me - and the baby we though I was carrying - down the stairs, after he had dragged me through the flat's foor. Next day he didn't remember a thing about what he had done. Do you remember LP's telling her husband also tried do kill her and that, now, some five years down the road, he is trying to get closer to her - she is not interested.
And In It's husband nearly left her dead.
Some of us have truly crazy MLCer, but many years down the road they are fine, they don't have a degenerative disease. It was the MLC crazy and psychotic episodes.
However, some people that start by having a MLC end up with something else. Like Pixie's husband. We don't know what he end up with, she stop posting, he lived away from her, but what she used to post was beyond the pale. At a point, on top of his PTSD and MLC something else happened to her husband. Bipolar? FTD? Schizophrenia? Constant psychosis (he drunk and took too many drugs)? Who knows. All we know is that Pixie's husband went down a very ugly, terrible path and become an mental, psychological and physical mess.
She mentioning these small tips to help us see if our spouse cannot detect irony etc
But even if our spouse cannot detect irony, etc, that, in itself, does not mean much. It is something that hapens with several illesses. How were we going to know which one it was? We weren't.
Maybe if people come to this forum wondering why their spouse doesn't care about them anymore, or is giving them a cruel smirk as they helplessly attempt to communicate, they will come to see that this is not what they think it is. Perhaps their spouse simply cannot feel the same emotion or behave in the way they once did.
But what if it is just what they think it is? It is impossible to tell the difference, isn't it? Of course the MLCer cannot feel the same emotion or behave in the way they once did. That is one of the signs of MLC.
Like with Kikki's husband, Mr J's smirk was from mania. It showed when we was being manic. Years after, I have seen the same smirk in Bipolar patients on a manic phase.
Even if we weren't anonymous, I don't have any photo of Mr J's smirk. They happened back in late 2006 and early 2007, and, trust me, even if I had a camera around, taking a picture would be the last thing on my mind. I was too busy trying to safe myself. I have a picture in my mind. Now in the very back of my mind, and, right now, I don't really want to see it. It was horrible.
Like Ready2's and Kikki's husband, Mr J was expressing something. Something nasty. As for sarcasm, Mr J is the king of sarcasm. Nasty, cruel, awful sarcarms. One of the many reasons I don't want to have contact with him.
Even with photos we may get it wrong. We know the meaning of some of the technical terms, and can look up any we want, but we are not experts. We do have to be careful with some things.
We are just on a forum, curious about what we are observing and wanting to learn and understand more. I just posted an areticle about a husband-wife pair, working separately and in different fields, were able to learn more about the possible cause of autism. Sometimes it's nice to take an open and curious approach.
She is just sharing what she has learned. I think it's interesting! I'm learning a lot from this thread.
Now, more or less. At first, and for a while, bvFTD was saying all our spouses had FTD. And a few posts back she said to Chriss that Chriss husband's smirk was dyskinesia. bvFTD didn't saw Chriss husband, and dyskinesia only occurs in very specific circ0ntances - see the list I post.
That is not just sharing what one has learned, is diagnosing people. And scaring the hell out of newbies.
People come here in turmoil, frighten, scared, they want to talk, to vent, to have someone listening to them and offering some support. They are not at a point of dealing with a bunch of super complicated neurology stuff.
Kikki, Ready2, myself and a few others, far down the road, and who have a interests in these matters, can discuss them, but most here are not here to discuss neurology.