Saving - we all cycle too, it's normal. My gut (and 2 years of experience as a really slow learner) is that the stages pull us into different struggles and goals. And different things help.
So, in Denial, and the shock/anxiety that goes with it, I think we get pulled into a mixture of almost obsessive thinking/questioning, over-emotional reactions and a sort of frozen traumatic shock. The goal is probably something about safety, about finding a small bit of reality to stand on. What helps? Living in the minute/hour/day. Focusing on our body as much as we can - food, sleep, exercise. Just dealing with the right now, because the past has been blown up and the future is scary. Being as kind as we can to ourselves as we can. Feeling heard and seen (and most of us have done the inappropriate sharing - thank Go for the kindness of strangers!)
What doesn't help? (but we do anyway) is trying to find answers or fix it. Or use our mind-reading powers. Jumping into action. Emails. Texts. Emotional knee-jerk stuff.
It needs an almost super-human amount of effort to try to pull our heads away from our MLCers or find ways to shut the noise down in our heads. Trying to slow everything down and breathe. Anything that balances the fight/flight response is good but hard.
In my experience now when I dip back into it, it is a paler version and I can let it run for a bit and climb out. I couldn't do that when I was in the grip of that first stage. It was overwhelming.
T: 18 M: 12 (at BD) No kids.
H diagnosed with severe depression Oct 15. BD May 16. OW since April 16, maybe earlier. Silent vanisher mostly.
Divorced April 18. XH married ow 6 weeks later.
"Option A is not available so I need to kick the s**t out of Option B" Sheryl Sandberg