I agree, I had a clinging boomerang for 3 yrs then vanished and changing his no so ow can control every aspect. Even his children not allowed it. H did say several times that got him self in a corner and didnt know how to get out.
Non existent divorce for 3 yrs then vanished and files. Another giant coward who got himself stuck xx
RP, I feel you have a special case (lucky you
) where your husband was forced to change "types" because of his insecure ow (well, all ow's are insecure but she might wear the crown). I feel (and remember this is just my opinion) that your husband in his heart wants to be more of a clinger or a boomerang but she forced his hand.
Their time together must be a special place of insecurities above all others, him wondering if he should really be with his real family, and her wondering if that's what he is thinking. So he has to play the game to pacify her and pretend that he's not obsessed about what he really and truly is obsessed about... his family. Each one of them must carefully pick their words, their actions, their uncomfortable silences....
Can you hear the bomb ticking???
Just a gut feeling.