Sorry for the inconvenience of not being able to post for the last couple of days. The host was able to remedy the issue, but we are not out of the woods yet. This began as part of an upgrade that went awry and then I had someone from smf (we are an smf forum) do a new clean upgrade for me. He did not mess it up--he's been wonderful. It seems an old modification was causing a problem--even though it was no longer installed. As you can see the forum formatting was removed as part of the clean upgrade--specifically the topic icons. It may take me awhile to figure out how or if we can get the thread icons back. Sure, I can and will certainly upload the storybook and other images...but will we have to start over as we create threads now and leave all the old threads as they are now? Or are the icons we used stored with each thread somewhere in the database... I don't know. I was also using a mod that attached those icons to the thread--this was why we had two columns of icons when you looked at the list of threads. Hopefully those are stored in the database--once I re-upload the actual images. But that particular modification was apparently one that was causing issues... so I don't know what will happen yet. Please let me know (by PM) if you notice any glitches--I think we had some login issues, though I don't know if these are continuing. I may also send a test global PM. I sent one Sunday afternoon and it failed--but I did not know this because I got two copies of it in my inbox, so it looked like it worked until I asked others and no one had received it. Please be patient as we may find some glitches and as I try to get our forum back to where it needs to be...and thanks for still being here.