Whilst reading along on the forum, I found a post that linked HeartsBlessing site. She is a (former?) HS member, people are quite biased about her.
I personally found her articles very insightful, there is no harm in reading as much information as possible, then one filters what he/she thinks applies for the situation or is in line with their beliefs.
From a newbie to newbies, I recommend you to read this article:
https://thestagesandlessonsofmidlife.org/the-six-stages-of-a-mid-life-crisis/Her view is that the entry in the tunnel is right at the start of Denial and not BD. Other people here on the forum consider the tunnel starts at BD. Maybe not that important, but I admit I have this obsession that I need to know where W is in her crisis.
So question out to you: how do you know when an MLCer is in the tunnel? What signs are there? I'm not asking about the stage, each stage has it's own sympthoms and signs, I think my W is heavy in Replay, that is also the longest stage in the MLC process.
Another good blog entry is the one talking about the affair down. Many people get crushed by finding out about the affair, I am no exception. For me, this was really a hard thing to accept.
https://thestagesandlessonsofmidlife.org/past-parental-issues-and-the-affair-partner-an-explanation/I don't know much about my W's affair nowadays other than it is still ongoing after 'x' number of break-ups
Also know that for her it's more of an emotional bond, than a physical one. The blog entry above explains why this is.
Another hard fact to accept is that you CANNOT and SHOULD not do anything about the affair. I'm sure many find this unacceptable, irrational and against our nature. Again, I am no exception here, I feel the same. My instinct told me numerous time, to get up and 'visit' OM and resolve things like between men (sort a duel with fists only rather than guns like in the old days), even told my wife that I will do this, she was petrified.
The more you read and learn, you get to understand that this would be wasted energy, you would give your power and attention to someone who is not worthy of it and could potentially strengthen the affair rather than have the opposite effect. So it's a
NO NO. You need to let the affair run it's course (isn't this hard to accept?).
Another thing I learned, that is emphasized in the much needed advice people receive here from other members, is the importance of looking into your Self and heal your problems that lie within you. In my recent posts, I raised the question on why this is needed.
Working hard on this, again it is not easy, at least for me it isn't. You get to understand that your MLC is in crisis. Their crisis would have happened no matter what, completly independent from you. What I did not understand at the time is that by MLC entering the crisis, also forces you to a journey, that is very much alike to the MLC journey but not as distructive. You need to look into yourself, find traits or past experiences that need correcting or resolving and do the work necessary to heal. Your journey is completly separate from hers and there is no guarantee the two journeys will meet in the future. You keep hearing: your marriage is dead, your relationship is dead, she is gone. ACCEPT it! I know, I know you may say, but it is hard, damn hard. For me this becomes easier with time, realising that W is nothing else than my children's mother and like a room mate for me. She does not involve me in her life anymore, and I don't involve her in my life, very strange feeling and it's very sad at the same time.
That's the theory. What people don't tell you is HOW you do all this. This is something each one of us will need to find out on their own. For me this is hard and I am struggling with this, but think I know identified a few things that I can do to become a better me, so will see how this pans out.