So I am in need of some advice from my experienced friends. I met with my Pastor today for my weekly counseling session with him. He asked me to get advice from someone here who is experienced with these situations (he gave me his take but was curious what the support forum advice would be).
My H has not removed any of his stuff from the home except his guns (only because he is a collector & they are very valuable & he stupidly thought I would sell them...I would not). He told me to get rid of all his clothes as they are way to big after loosing about 90 pounds, so I had a yard sale. However everything else he owns is in the home & he has been gone since BD 2/17/2014. At first he didn't move his stuff because he thought he was still getting the new home. Well he found out last week that that is not happening, & now he is saying that he is going to keep living in the camper & possibly upgrade to a larger one. Today when he was sending me all these texts (& I was stupidly responding) I told him he needed to come get ALL his stuff if he is NEVER coming back to me. He responded to all the other texts with excuses, BS, etc. That I never said a word. Every time I mention making changes to the home (selling some pieces, etc.) & ask him if he wants a piece that I am thinking of getting rid of.......crickets......
So what do I do about his stuff (a lot of stuff)? Do I give him a deadline (my Pastor's suggestion) & tell him that if you don't come & get all your stuff (& NOT send someone else to MY home to get it for you) in say 45 days then I will rent a storage unit in your name & you will be responsible for paying the bill & I will give him the key. Or do I just leave it alone & let him cook for a while. I have moved all of his items from the rooms that I use so that I don't have to look at them every day BUT I have 3 rooms that I cannot use. 2 of them I don't really care about but one I would like to make my craft room. Do I just try to take the stuff out of that room & cram the stuff into the two spare rooms & let him continue to "cook" for a while? What do I do? I can try to organize the two spare bedrooms a bit better & maybe sell some things that are not his, but how long do I let it go?
Yes he has had some reality checks in the past few weeks, but we are nowhere near the end of this....not as far as I can see.
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