I think the source was a major chemical imbalance caused by a decline in testosterone and a B6 deficiency that he always had, all exacerbated by going on hardcore psych drugs and going off of them cold turkey on his own. I think the triggers that have made him react in the specific ways he has are serious FOO issues that came to the surface, the failure of our business in the recession and the financial hardships that caused, the stress of dealing with a wife in crisis (I know it's not my fault - but this has to go on the list), and a lot of death at one time (3 pets, 2 friends, and an uncle have all passed away during his crisis so far). Perfect storm. The outcome is a lot of anger at God, me, his various jobs, and himself - the four pillars! And a lot of high energy replay. Then a big crash - haven't seen that yet, but I'm pretty sure I will.