Considering it's a totally free country; anyone and everyone is welcome to agree/disagree/somewhere in between; it's all the same to me. Nobody's gonna get flamed; just disagreed with.
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Just remember, I'm not trying to "fix" or change anyone's perception; each person sees things differently; and though, I keep an open mind about everything; I still know what I know; and it is what I know. And, what I know I know, is not likely going to change anytime soon.
No OW/OMs are the same; but you tell me, WHO in their right mind gets into an affair? Certainly not a well balanced mature person; each person that entangles themselves in an illicit affair has problems; and are emotionally broken; not to mention the lack of respect for themselves.
Again, I've NEVER seen an affair nor multiple affairs last beyond Replay in the cases I've seen; a couple ended their affair or multiple affairs; returned to try and rebuild their marriage; all the while still navigating toward the end of the crisis. I've seen and known MLC'ers who've gone on with the OW/OM; some got stuck; and some were trying to move forward in their crisis, but the OW/OM is not the right kind of stanchion; and they will try and keep the MLC'er right where they are in the anyone else, OW/OM HATES change; and will do whatever they can to keep it from happening...this is the immaturity within them. This can spell the beginning of the end, as the OW/OM lets their guard down; and starts putting pressure on the MLC'er; which can, in turn, cause them to begin to awaken to what they are doing.
AND, because the LBS has possibly moved on to a point where they no longer want the MLC'er; well, the MLC'er gets literally stuck with the choices they've made; and they can feel they have no choice but to stay with what they have, currently, and try to make it work....or they may walk away from that person....who knows? The choice lies within the hands of the MLC'er; and to an extent, the LBS; because the LBS has the decision to either begin to rebuild the marriage with them, OR reject them.
Choices lie on BOTH sides of the equation; and there are NO guarantees; regardless of what is chosen by either the LBS or the MLC'er...there is only hope, and the work done within the LBS.
Plus, the MLC'er is on a search, a quest, if you will; and they may or may not find their way back to the LBS spouse; I do agree with RCR on the point that if they decide to go on with the OW/OM; it doesn't necessarily mean they will get stuck in the tunnel. But in my humble opinion, the majority of the MLC'er who choose to go on with OW/OM, will do it during Replay, for a number of different reasons...seen that quite a few times.
I could go on and on; these are some of the possibilities.
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However, I have disagreed before concerning OW/OM lasting into Depression/Withdrawal, or even into Acceptance; and I will disagree again; and RCR knows I disagree with this; we just agree to disagree; doesn't mean she's right, and I'm wrong; and it also doesn't mean I'm right and she's wrong; we just see things differently; and that's the beauty of being different; and I respect what she has to say, even when/if I disagree. And, I would hope she would respect my viewpoints, as well, even as she sometimes will argue with them, LOL!
On the other hand, the OW/OM is a band aid for the problems the MLC'er is running from; and as long as they are running; they are NOT facing their issues.
Replay is just that, Replaying times in their lives where they were not only damaged; but their state of mind seems to give them(at least in their mind), a certain freedom they feel entitled to; and they take the rope and run with it; getting themselves in pretty deep until they wake up to what they are doing, IF they ever wake up. As they begin to make their way into Replay; then, come the issues they need to face; starting with the most painful; is it any wonder why most run away; and grab a band aid to put on the wound; so they don't have to look at it, much less deal with it. In time, however, the band aid wears thin; and begins to show damage; and they will either grab another band aid; or begin to face themselves.
That's NOT to say they attempt a return to the marriage after the affair is broken off; and after a time, decide to walk away from the marriage completely; and in that process start all over again...I think this would be a two fold kind of path they would be facing....they can decide to jump into dating game, OR they could just go on until a later time. They would still be in the tunnel, unfinished; but it would be open to speculation as to whether they will finish at a later time; or not at all; remember, it's THEIR choice; not anyone else's.
When it all comes down to brass tacks; the choice is up to them; only they can make the choices they feel is right; this could go either way; and this is the rub, the crapshoot, the uncertainty of the outcome.
Food for thought; in my experience; there has never been a "right" way to navigate this crisis; and the only guarantee you even have is the work you do on yourself.