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Author Topic: Interacting with Your MLCer Things I would like to say to my spouse [remember the unconditionals!]

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Omg this thread is brilliant! Totally catty but brilliant! I am sick and feeling like trash but at least I ain't behaving like that mlc trash!!
My addition : you are behaving like a mad evil person for doing what you are to d
When you are old and lonely do you think d will rush to help you if you abandon her any more?
You look ugly. Your whole mobster personality has taken over your looks and your mouth smells,! Your butt crack shows everytime you sit down because your pants are too tight and you are seriously overweight! You talk about wife number three but she must be a severely brainless idiot to want a man with a child he doesn't care for.
You have destroyed our lives. Our families and friendships. We used to go to the park together and relax under trees in the sun. Now we are a war field. It hurts.
Eeek sorry if my list isn't as funny and very b!tc#y!
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Your eyes were the very last image I ever wanted to see before my time here on this earth was done.
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Once upon a time I would have said:  I cannot believe I wasted so much time and effort on you.  You are a weak little boy who almost sucked the life out of me simply because you became an insecure, aging, depressed, shell of the man I once thought you were.  You stole my dreams forcing me to face again the harshness of the outside world in what should have been the sanctity of the home.  I cannot believe I put up with years of living with you when you downplayed my accomplishments, dished out veiled insults, were so sensitive to any criticism that I walked on egg shells, and ultimately threatened to kill me.  I am sickened and disgusted that I even let you into my life, much less touch me.  Thank you for ruining my dreams and blowing up my life.  I have no respect for you whatsoever and would never allow you back into my life.  You will never see our fur children again.  I hope you end up in the h*ll that you so richly deserve and would do anything in my power to help that along.

Oh and by the way, You are nothing more than a foolish old stereotype of the MLC man.  I hope mentally impaired child enjoys the same old same old maximum 10 minutes of selfish sex you pass off for making love.
You look like the old man that you feared you were becoming, hairline receding to the crown of your head, wrinkles lining your face, eyes that appear dead when once they sparkled with whit and intelligence and cheeks so sunken in that your gum line is also receding.  Nothing says old like forgetting everything from the location of your keys to our history. 

You see, there is nothing unique any longer about you.  Now you know why I would never call you hero as you so strongly desired.

But that is not the person I am now although all those things are true.

Today I would say to him:

You were once the most important person in the world to me, even more important than God or my inner self.  I loved you with my whole heart, mind, body and soul.  I am sorry that I could not help you with the pain and sadness when you were so good to me for so many years.  Know that I treasure the memory of those years we had together, the fur babies, and the things we accomplished together.  Each day I pray that you find the life you ran from me to pursue.  I also pray that you become the man you could be one day.  You are a brilliant man with much to offer the world.  Bon chance and Good Bye. 

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if people won’t listen to you, there’s no point in talking to people. If they won’t listen, you’re just banging your head against a wall.

Sadly Ive used up all the time I had allotted to spend banging my head on the wall

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One thing I actually did say when I met the ow for the first time.

She's old and ugly. You're not.
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Me 53
H (whatever he is) 55
D for financial reasons March 2012
Started seeing massive change over the summer 2012
Left end of October 2012
Started coming home thanksgiving 2013
Home now. March 2014
Believe ow is gone
Probably going through this for years
OW discovered Oct.23,2013,old GF from before we met at the age of 16!
Left again Oct. 20 2015
Came back two weeks later
Still here 01/17 not done yet
Home 2019,rebuilding

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One thing I actually did say when I met the ow for the first time.

She's old and ugly. You're not.

 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

nice one
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