Hi my3 . so he did move back, l'll have to drop into your thread to see the latest.
The h's are so different from the women mlcers.
In saying you don't know him yeah , mine was the same. It actually helped though bc although she is back to a bit like who she use to be , most of that seems long gone these days.
But yeah , l wonder where the hell this could go with the om. 3rd marriages working out stats are almost zero let alone someone with he's record , can't help bur wonder.
J , l'm sorry actually that you are still in this . It's something like l was trying to explain in my thread last night that ex's adventures have given me closure actually and at 4yrs , l just wanted that once and for all and , l got it.
Maybe that's why it didn't really effect me bc l always promised myself l will not go past 4yrs living like this. l wanted it done , one way or another and it has released me once and for all and now l feel l can finally get on with life.