I've gotten ILYBINILWY only a couple times in the form of:
"I feel like I'm living with a roommate"
"I know I love you, but I don't know HOW I love you"
I had also heard on the few times he brought up D, "We'll get the D, do our own thing for a year or two and then we can start dating again"
In the very beginning it was:
"You don't cook and clean enough" - Because working overtime every night and most Saturdays, and then helping him work on his garage expansion project when I wasn't working had left lots of time for cooking and cleaning.

"Your confidence is low and I am tired of trying to make you feel better"
"I'm not happy with our living situation"
"I'm not happy with my job"
"I can't keep up with the younger guys on the league anymore, I can't burn the candle at both ends like I use to"
Now it's mostly just:
"I NEED to feel happy again, and I'll do whatever it takes to feel that way"