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Author Topic: Discussion Script sentences and WTF moments

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Discussion Re: Script sentences and WTF moments
#150: July 04, 2020, 05:45:04 AM
It's scary how I can relate so much to most of the scripts posted here.

I also forgot to mention that MLCer now wants children after the brief conversation. He never ever wanted kids, said something flipped and now he wanted kids  ::) He also mentioned that he was the 'happiest he's ever been' when I moved out, because he's free to spend time on his hobby (almost daily) without me complaining and meeting all the awesome artistic people. Now he said they are a toxic crowd, hmm I TOLD YOU SO!

He is now very spiritual, the awakening he reckons, or psychosis? It all went downhill after the AD meds last year. I wonder if this has to do with FOO issues (no longer on speaking terms with family) plus combination of mental health.
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- PA with OW1 09/15 (BD1)
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I moved out 07/16..

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Re: Script sentences and WTF moments
#151: July 04, 2020, 06:54:26 AM
Absolutely relate,

Especially, I can do what I like , when I like, I can spend what I like, how I like without having to think of you and the kids! I am putting me first!

Perhaps may have been better when the kids weren’t 9 and 11 to put yourself first? Just a thought! Xx
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Me 55
Divorced 3/dec/2019
Together 30yrs
BD 20/10/2014
Left first 12/12/2014
10 come backs and leaves again for same ow
Last left 7.03.17.
Ow 16 yrs younger, no children never been married. co worker. EA turned to PA and lives with ow
Divorce bomb drop by him 31/8/17 by solicitor letter after being caught by ow at lunch with me 3 wk earlier. Finances Not yet finalised.
Crazy divorce started by him.
Clinging boomerang for 3 yrs now Vanisher but  twice a yr pops his head up. ow has balls in a vice!

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Re: Script sentences and WTF moments
#152: July 04, 2020, 08:57:55 AM
Absolutely relate,

Especially, I can do what I like , when I like, I can spend what I like, how I like without having to think of you and the kids! I am putting me first!

Perhaps may have been better when the kids weren’t 9 and 11 to put yourself first? Just a thought! Xx
Ugh...I got the same... tired of doing everything for others, needs to put himself first now... our girls are 10 and 13... it is so selfish!!
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Script sentences and WTF moments
#153: July 04, 2020, 03:44:06 PM
Oh yes, I forgot the 22 years of not wanting children, adamant! He DID NOT want children, very very clear. About to get his tubes cut a few months before leaving, to a sudden interest in young children, mentioning children in the village who are adopted ... asking me if I am still happy with the decision we made not to have children, but not talking about his changed decision. Just left me with a very clear feeling that he has changed his mind. He said 'he is questioning decisions made in the past'. Totally changed person.
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Together 22 years
Married 16 years
May 2019 BD 'The marriage feels one-sided, could you rub my feet more'. I just got confused.
May - Sept H starts traveling much more.
September 2019 H runs away via text message
Moves in with his mother for 'loving and nurturing'
His legal separation is underway since Jan 2020

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Re: Script sentences and WTF moments
#154: July 06, 2020, 11:34:46 AM
Quote from: spock
meeting all the awesome artistic people. Now he said they are a toxic crowd, hmm I TOLD YOU SO!

He is now very spiritual, the awakening he reckons, or psychosis? It all went downhill after the AD meds last year. I wonder if this has to do with FOO issues (no longer on speaking terms with family) plus combination of mental health.

Hahaha... The creative / artistic types are the WORST. Well, actually they're no better or worse than any other group out there. Sadly too many groups are just self interested, self righteous, narcissist, mutual enablers that just like a little flair with their alcohol.

Your mlcer sounds both really sheltered and repressed by his family and he's looking for acceptence.

The big draw to both religion and the artsy types is that the both preach unconditional love and acceptence. You just have to show up and walk the talk.

I split ways with the art crowd years ago when I realized that most of them couldn't be bothered to leave the bar to actually go out and support any of the causes they were preaching about constantly.

That and all their so called art or music was feeble derivative  I have an Instagram account too garbage.
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Script sentences and WTF moments
#155: July 12, 2020, 04:48:54 PM
Oh I just remembered one.......

"I should be happy and thankful..... I have a wonderful life".  :o

Um yeah, you should be happy and thankful.



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« Last Edit: September 01, 2020, 02:42:58 PM by Thunder »
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