RCR, I used personally, for me, etc. I would say I was clear is was what it means to me. And to me it means a waste of time.
Being civil towards someone is just that.
Your article has a purpose and it is not the LBS well-being, it is reconciliation.
You cannot say it has a purpose and that was why you used Paving The Way and then say it is not really what it means. Makes no sense and, as far as I am concerned, it is having double standards, one for you, one for others.
I don't think it is not possible to separate RCR the stander from 15 years ago from RCR the writer because she writes as a Stander and about what worked for her. RCR does not write from the point of view of a long-term LBS with an abusive MLCer that does not wish to interact, let alone, reconcile with her MLCer.
I am fully aware why people come to HS at first. Even I come here for the same reason I my BD had been years before. It does not change the fact that most of us will never reconcile nor that Paving The Way is more effective early on and that early on many, if not most, LBS are not capable of Paving The Way.
Yes, HS was founded to support them in that purpose. However the reality is that most here stop being standers and nearly no one reconciles.
The Paving The Way article in itself has an agenda, reconciliation. If it is aimed at reconciliation, that is an agenda.
Like I have said many times, if one is Paving The Way one is Paving The Way towards something, and per the article the something is reconciliation.
Mort, HS has existed since 2010. Most of its members never reconciled and never will. It is a well known fact, including by RCR. The odds are extremely low. MLC tends to last a very, very long time. Life goes on, LBS have new relationships and marriages.
I think you are still seeing things the way many early on LBS see, MLCer and marriage rather than LBS. It is normal, but, with time, many of us change the way we see things.
Your husband had a short crisis and he was not a particularly nasty MLCer, RCR. What would you have done if he was still in Replay 10 or more years down the road and if he was a violent, abusive MLCer? Stand? I recall you writing that if your husband's Replay hadn't end you would give yourself a timeline. Yourself, not him.
I understand every singe part of the word crisis. I had a MLC myself. I also know that when it comes to violence, or for that matter cheating, it makes no difference why. Someone was violent and/or cheated. For some reason, we tend to see MLC cheating as different from other cheating. We also tend to pretend it is not has a big, hurtful problem as it is.
OW/OM are a sympthom. It does not change the fact that OW/OM tend to be the number one reason why there will be no reconciliation. OffRoad and other LBS are clear, if their MLCer has OW/OM they will stop standing and be done.
Yet, we seem to want people to accept and take back someone that, frankly, as far as I am concerned once I gave a step back, is not worthy of us. Think about it. Standing for a cheater that is often living or even married to someone else. Standing for someone that is abusive. Pretty much all MLCers are abusive. Most are not physically abusive, but many are emotionally, psycologically, finanacially, abusive.
What is the logic? What is the logic of telling people to stand for someone that has done such atrocious things and whose crisis can last 10 or more years? Wouldn't it make more sense to say, unless you are a Covenat Keeper or similar, after a few years you may want to consider move one. Or something similar.
Most of us end up doing just that anyway.
I do not attach Paving The Way to anything. The article does. Why not get rid of Paving The Way and write about the LBS well-being? Like Bewildered mentioned, the term is ambigous. And like I and Treasur mentioned, if one is Paving The Way, one is doing it with a goal. The term itself implies an endgame.
I am not certain abusers and/or cheaters deserve grace, kindness and compassion. For me the abuse or cheated person does. The one in the wrong, in particular abusers? Not really. I am not saying be rude or unkind. Just that it may be better to let it go and not to interact with them.
If our actions are to matter to the MLCer, we are doing things for the MLCer, not for us.
Just maintaining dignity is good enough of ‘paving the way’, especially at the beginning of LBS’s journey, I think. Self respect, self care, resilience, counting one’s blessings, cleaning up our own side of the street.
This. I think this is all the Paving The Way that is necessary and is LBS focussed, not MLCer or marriage.