Yes, very odd. I think some of these things point to the brain dysfunction some of us feel is involved in MLC. MLCers don't seem to think very carefully about what is appropriate or not. Of course, the biggest “inappropriate” thing they do is run from their M's, giving no effort towards exploring or resolving whatever feeble or ridiculous excuses they come up with for what is so wrong with their M's.
They don't seem to analyze very carefully what hooking up with whatever OW they have will lead to (& yes, yours must take the cake for a record number of OWs!). About 6 months after BD I rather sarcastically said (although he didn't pick up on the sarcasm), “You're giving up a lot. I hope it's worth it.” His serious reply was “Yes, I know. I hope so too...I think it will be.” You THINK it will be?! With all the devastation you should have known you would cause, you THINK it will be!
And then they continue to puzzle us with such messages as you have had, even when they are pretty much Vanishers, as mine is & as yours seems to be. I've gotten a handful of these types of messages over the 9 years since BD. The first couple I completely ignored. The last one involved him trying to enlist me to repair his R with S#1. I replied, reminding him that such advocacy was not my job any more & that he was on his own with that.
How you reply, or whether you reply, I think makes no difference, IMO. They must surely have some regrets, at least occasionally, & their actions have had such enormous consequences for people they once loved, & indeed, life has moved on for all involved. So, what actions can they take to make anyone (& in their world, most importantly themselves) “feel better”? They seem to get little spurts where they try to do a little good deed, like sending you some “news” or, in my case, passing on an acquaintance's message to me, that she admired me, even though it must have been a bit of a dig at him.
Continuing weirdness, continuing mysteries of MLC.
Hugs to you,
Detach and Survive: A Book of Self-Care for the Wives of Midlife Crisis Men
The Journey from Abandonment to Healing, Susan Anderson
Healing the Shame that Binds You, John Bradshaw
The Addictive Personality, Craig Nakken
https://www.midlifecrisismarriageadvocate.com/chapter-contents.htmlM'ed 41 years
BD-Jan 2013
Legally separated Feb 2013
D'ed without my consent July 2015
H M'ed OW Sept 2015